View Full Version : Red Eye

Alan Trout
03-16-2012, 3:41 PM
Well folks this is the last piece for the Small Treasures show at the Del Mano. There was some drama associated with this piece.

Originally I had one piece ready and two others that just needed a couple of finishing touches. I finish the little teal piece and had the other on the lathe finishing the bottom. Well I pulled the piece off the lathe and dropped it on the floor and broke the piece.
I have nerve damage in a couple of fingers from a jointer accident a few years back so every once in a while I will drop something. Just wish it was not a piece of my work that I had so much labor in.

The name "Red Eye" refers to the way my eyes look right now. I have not had over 3 hours of sleep any day this week. Between my job and every free hour working on this piece I have had very late nights this week.

Anyway this is the piece that replaced the broken piece. I have wanted to do a simple open form that could be looked at either from the outside or the inside as the acorn series are fun to look at from the inside as they are very translucent and a make neat patterns.

This is what I came up with. It is 4 1/4" tall by 3 1/4" wide and a little under an 1/8" of course it is live oak acorn caps cast in red pigmented resin with a live oak burl rim. The finish is high gloss CA on the outside and the inside is also CA but left to a soft satin finish.

As always cheers and jeers welcome.

Thanks for looking


Roger Chandler
03-16-2012, 3:47 PM

It looks as if you took the acorn caps and sanded the edge to give the ring a distinct appearance in the resin.......is that correct? This is a fine piece of work, and very labor intensive I am sure..........sorry about your mishap, but the replacement is very well conceived and executed.

Being in the Del Mano gallery ain't too shabby either! ;)

Alan Trout
03-16-2012, 4:10 PM

The cap is cast whole but arranged in a way that the opening is out.

Thanks for the compliments.


Tim Rinehart
03-16-2012, 4:17 PM
Beautiful piece Alan, and very sorry to hear of the mishap. I have often had a feeling of dread moving around a piece that has alot of work in it, knowing the frailty of some work.
I wish you well with this piece in the show, I really like the little acorn top pieces you've done...and this one really shines. When first looking at it, I thought the top rim was gold and reflecting light/shadows, before realizing it was the oak burl. Sweet...very sweet!

Jim Burr
03-16-2012, 4:32 PM
That rim really gets it Alan! From afar, it bares a resemblance to one of those '70's tea candle holders! Glad it gets better a little closer!

John Keeton
03-16-2012, 4:36 PM
Alan, they just get better and better! I really like the color on this one. Sorry about the broken one. We have all been there, but I bet few of us have with the time and money like you had in your piece!

Doug W Swanson
03-16-2012, 4:59 PM
Alan, your pieces are always very well done. Great job on this one. It sucks that you dropped the other piece but this one is a beaut!

Bob Bergstrom
03-16-2012, 5:05 PM
When I look at these works of art I am mystified by the tedious processes necessary to assemble them. It appears that each acorn cap is strategically placed and oriented relative to all the others. And then I look at the coloring and mixing of colors and Im really amazed at what you can accomplish. Great job and thanks for letting us see the best of the best. Sorry about the dropsies. I don't think I would call the broken one practice, but this one sure looks good.

Nate Davey
03-16-2012, 5:14 PM
Of all your pieces Alan, I think this is my favorite. The wood rim positively glows and accents the red nicely.

Bernie Weishapl
03-16-2012, 6:11 PM
Alan that is beautiful. Your pieces just keep upping the bar. This is my favorite.

Alan Trout
03-16-2012, 8:27 PM
Thanks, For all the kind words. I am going to take a couple of day off and then get started on a couple of other pieces. I want to have some larger pieces ready for the national symposium and when the get big they really take some time.


Jon McElwain
03-16-2012, 9:06 PM
Alan, nice work on this. I think it is my favorite of yours so far. I cringed when I read about you dropping a completed piece - must have turned your gut inside out! Good luck at the show. Del Mano? Impressive!!

Steve Vaughan
03-16-2012, 9:53 PM
WOW! That is something else! That's something that I really want to give a try when I get the chance. Your pieces are just fascinating, and such quality!

Baxter Smith
03-16-2012, 10:07 PM
Cheers from here! I would gladly raise that little cup in a toast! Beautiful piece in all regards Alan!

Jeff Fagen
03-16-2012, 10:15 PM
That has to be my favorite of your acorn series.It has all the pop and wow!!
Reminds me of those center piece candle votives in a dimly lit restaurant.

Scott Hackler
03-16-2012, 10:39 PM
Alan, that piece is fantastic. The edges of the acorns almost look copper colored!

Steve Schlumpf
03-16-2012, 11:30 PM
Stunning!! Love the rich color and the form! Best of luck with the show!!

I have dropped a few pieces myself... some broke, some were allowed to live because of the carpet in my shop! Get some sleep!! You done good on this one!

Kathy Marshall
03-17-2012, 4:28 AM
Beautiful piece Alan! The color is great and I love how the rim appears to glow. Sorry to hear about the mishap with the 1st one.

Michelle Rich
03-17-2012, 6:07 AM
good luck with your gallery showing...

Alan Trout
03-17-2012, 9:45 AM
Again, thanks to everyone.

I did get a good 7 hours sleep last night so I am feeling pretty good. Now today I have to work all day on some inspection appointments that I put off during the week. I also have some tomorrow but get the afternoon to clean up the shop and get started again.


James Combs
04-02-2012, 8:30 PM
Alan, not sure how I missed this wonderful piece but I must have managed it someway. I really like your work and have tried to imitate some of it. Casting a piece of worthless wood is one thing but this is an order of magnitude above anything I could do. Can't imagine the amount of work it takes. Didn't see the date for your show but I am positive will do or did very well.

Ken Fitzgerald
04-02-2012, 9:18 PM
Very beautifully done! I can only imagine the details of the process. Gorgeous!

Alan Trout
04-02-2012, 9:43 PM

Thanks I really appreciate the compliments. I am starting a couple of larger pieces hopefully I can have them done for the national symposium.


Faust M. Ruggiero
04-02-2012, 9:50 PM
I almost threw up as a result of dropping and breaking a small hollow form once. I can't imagine how you felt dropping a vessel with so much work. Anyway, the replacement is spectacular as are all the pieces in this series. Good luck with the show. Nerve damage from a jointer accident?? That had to be another less then perfect day in the shop.

Alan Trout
04-02-2012, 11:19 PM
Nerve damage from a jointer accident?? That had to be another less then perfect day in the shop.


Yes it was a bad evening. I immediately remembered the Forest Gump Quote. "Stupid is as stupid does"


Larry Pickering
04-03-2012, 8:55 AM
What's amazing to me, is that you can cast something this complex and not get any air bubbles. Great job.

Rick Markham
04-03-2012, 11:57 AM
Now that's an eye catcher! It's gorgeous Alan! I'm not sure which color I would choose, the blue one or this one.(If I had to pick one) They both turned out spectacular. I really love the rim on this one.