View Full Version : Prototype

Jack Mincey
03-14-2012, 7:26 PM
I was approached a week ago about turning two trophies for a local country club golf tournament. I had two dry rough outs the same size and shape and similar wood so I am limited to these since the tournament is to soon to dry any other bowls. They wanted the bowls mounted on a trophy type pedestal so that a brass plaque could be mounted on it or have the pedestal lazier engraved. I was limited to the shape of the rough out but feel like I came up with a workable prototype. The bowl is the actual bowl that will be used turned from maple with a coat of danish oil and waiting to be lacquered to a shine. The base is turned from a scrape of poplar just to see if it looked OK. Any suggestions would be appreciated since this is a first for me and I've never even seen anything like it before. This deal will also sell 16 very high end pens for the all the contestants if I'm able to please them with the trophies. I plan on turning the finished pedestal from walnut since I think the dark wood should make for a good contrast to the maple. I will also use a router to put a nice edge onto the bottom board. I just sanded a bevel on this one to see how it would look. The trophy comes out to 11" by 11".

John Keeton
03-14-2012, 8:02 PM
Jack, the router edge will help, and I might consider adding another layer to the bottom such that you end up with a staggered molding that is 1.5" thick. It would add some mass to the bottom and width - both of which are needed IMO.

Otherwise, I like the idea. A brass plaque will look nice on the walnut!

Bernie Weishapl
03-14-2012, 10:38 PM
Looks good Jack. I agree with John adding another layer slightly bigger would add stability. Looking good Jack.

Faust M. Ruggiero
03-14-2012, 11:12 PM
The bowl is fine. The pedestal looks too large and the there is a lot of square section. How about if you turn a smaller pedestal with a turned base and leave space on top of the base for the plaque. Make the pedestal shorter and let it compliment the bowl not overpower it. I try not to comment on design because everyone has different tastes. I hope you don't mind.

David DeCristoforo
03-14-2012, 11:39 PM
Personally, I like this. I do agree that the base needs more mass and detail to counterpoint the nicely shaped area at the top of the pedestal. The transition into the square portion of the pedestal is sweet and you have plenty of space for mounting a plaque.

Dane Fuller
03-15-2012, 11:26 AM
I think it looks pretty good but would add mass to the base as well. I do quite a bit of laser engraving. Some woods do not mark as well as others. I would suggest using red alder. It engraves well and there is no need to add a filler to darken the engraving. Also, I have the best results if the wood I engrave already has the final finish on it. That way the smoke & soot residue can be cleaned off without any staining around the engraving. I'm no expert, this is just my 2 cents.

Jack Mincey
03-15-2012, 3:36 PM
Thanks everyone, I will be showing the club members this prototype tomorrow and will use some of your suggestions then. Dane I had planned on finishing it before it was engraved if that is the route they want to go. I think that a brass plague would look great on a walnut base. I have also thought of a way to make the square base smaller that sits on the base board or boards. and still have enough wood at the top of the base to match the bottom of the bowl.

Dane Fuller
03-15-2012, 6:53 PM
I agree that a brass plate would be the way to go; especially on a trophy of this size.