View Full Version : Wood gloat

Mike Cruz
03-13-2012, 2:20 PM
Just spent 4 hours at my sawyer's cutting up the rest of that figured/burled/ambrosia maple. Got enough to last me sooooome time. I've got some sealing and stacking to do this afternoon.227045227043227044227046227047

John Keeton
03-13-2012, 2:40 PM
That looks like silver maple, Mike, and BTW - you need a bigger truck!!!!

Nice haul - again!

Mike Cruz
03-13-2012, 2:54 PM
Thanks, John. But NO, I don't need a bigger truck. I DO have to stop getting wood though...:o And I have a 20' flat bed trailer... addictions tend to make you gravitate toward that which will enable your addiction...

Dane Fuller
03-13-2012, 3:18 PM
I foresee many beautiful platters, bowls & hollow forms in your future....:D

charlie knighton
03-13-2012, 3:45 PM
congratulations, nice haul

Bernie Weishapl
03-13-2012, 3:47 PM
Congrats on a nice haul Mike. That should keep ya out of trouble a day or two.:D

Steve Schlumpf
03-13-2012, 4:02 PM
Congrats!! First thoughts were the same as John's... needs Bigger Truck!! My back is tired just looking at the photos!! Have fun turning that stuff... it's going to be worth all the effort!!

Roland Martin
03-13-2012, 4:29 PM
Nice load you've got there, looks like we're gonna be seeing some purdy turings.

Peter Elliott
03-13-2012, 4:30 PM
You know there is a show on TV called "Hoarders"... I trying to find the shows Producer as I type..

Nice haul or ummm hoard :rolleyes:

Mike Cruz
03-13-2012, 4:41 PM
I wonder if there is a show called "Moochers"... If not I should contact a producer and give him an idea for a reality show. Once a month or so, a moocher would come and take someone's wood...:rolleyes::D

James Roberts
03-13-2012, 4:51 PM
So maybe it is an addiction, so what! It's not like you're knocking over liquor stores to feed your habit. Umm...you're not, are you? Well, nice haul anyway.:D

By the way, the piece of wood sticking up in pic#3 looks like it will be awesome!

Mike Cruz
03-13-2012, 6:25 PM
Thanks everyone. Yes, it is a nice load. Luckily for me, it is all that I had left at the sawyers...whew. He had the nerve to ask me if I wanted more maple...one that he is cutting up tomorrow that is supposed to have a LOT of figure. I had to decline...working on quitting...not cold turkey, but baby step. :D

James, I haven't knocked over any liquor stores...yet. But you've given me some ideas...:rolleyes: And yeah, that piece in pic 3 is 24" in diameter...the shorter diameter. I looking forward to a humongous bowl from that!

I have 3 bowls that I have planned from this wood. One is a wedding gift, another for a volunteer that helps my wifes horse council, and the third is for the homeowner who's front yard this came from. I promised him a turning from it. Better get busy, huh?

Peter Elliott
03-13-2012, 7:18 PM
I wonder if there is a show called "Moochers"... If not I should contact a producer and give him an idea for a reality show. Once a month or so, a moocher would come and take someone's wood...:rolleyes::D

Ha, now that is funny... for a hoarder.. DAMP has a 3 step program for you.. 1. Call us once a month 2. We help get the massive logs out of the woods 3. help cut it and take it away. See, you're healed! :D

David DeCristoforo
03-13-2012, 7:41 PM
Great looking stuff Mike. Did you get any more fruitcake?

Faust M. Ruggiero
03-13-2012, 8:18 PM
I hope you cut some of that wood in chunks large enough for some hollow forms. Maple seems to take dyes so well.

Mike Cruz
03-13-2012, 8:28 PM

Um, I remember a fruitcake reference from before but can't rem.....Oh wait a minute, you're talking about the AM I sent you. RIGHT! This log was very hollow. The section we cut up today was about 4' in diameter at one end and a triple branch (double crotch...however you want to put it) at the other end. All three of the branches were hollow. So, there was crotchy figure galore. But the outside (bark) was full of burls all over the place. So, there is burly swirls and figure. And yes, there was fruitca...I mean ambrosia in some of it, too. Some of it had all three! This pic shows a slab that is 30" wide by 36" long. It has ALL three!227072

Faust, I don't turn HF...yet. The other challenge is that just about all of it is 6" or thinner. So, HFs may not be the best thing. 'Cause then you are left with two thin wedge slabs...

I've got a ton of pen and bottle stopper stock from what will be the extras...

David E Keller
03-13-2012, 9:22 PM
Nice haul, Mike! I'm willing to try out for that 'Moochers' show as long as I don't have to mooch fruitcake!

Mike Cruz
03-13-2012, 9:46 PM
That would involve a road trip, my friend...

Donny Lawson
03-13-2012, 10:19 PM
Great haul. Maple is always a good wood to turn. You don't find alot of burl though. Picture 3 does show some interesting character.

David DeCristoforo
03-13-2012, 10:25 PM
"...as long as I don't have to mooch fruitcake..."

You can never have too mooch fruitcake...

Baxter Smith
03-13-2012, 10:33 PM
Awesome wood Mike. And a lot of it! Enjoy!

Mike Cruz
03-13-2012, 10:46 PM
DD, he's had his share of fruitcake already...

Baxter, yeah, a lot of it. I've sealed 6 pieces (the larger ones) and still have 16 to go...Ugh...

Dan Hintz
03-14-2012, 12:02 AM
1. Call us once a month 2. We help get the massive logs out of the woods 3. help cut it and take it away. See, you're healed! :D
I think I've done pretty well... last trip I ended up taking nothing, time before that I only took about a 2'-long section slabbed (which Mike just brought over this past weekend). Still looking for variety, though...

Nathan Hawkes
03-14-2012, 9:34 AM
Looks like a great haul!! Nice figure in that maple! I'm jealous of the truck too! Is it a diesel? I'm hoping to find a used 3/4 ton diesel by next winter.