View Full Version : Teal Acorn Cap Vessel for Small Treasures

Alan Trout
03-12-2012, 10:21 PM
This is my latest Acorn Cap Vessel. This is for the Small Treasures show at Del Mano along with my Purple Haze piece and one other piece I am currently trying to finish up.

This is 3 3/4" in diameter by 3 3/4" high. Of course these are some of my stock of very small live oak acorn caps cast in in a teal blue/green tinted resin. The collar is turned from the same resin. The finish is high gloss CA buffed and hand rubbed.

While I really don't have a name for this one, it is one of my favorites. Form, color, finish, just everything turned out like I wanted.

As always cheers and jeers welcome.

Thanks for looking


Doug W Swanson
03-12-2012, 10:26 PM
I always look forward to your pieces, Alan. Even though I've seen them before, I'm still impressed! Excellent job again!

Jerry Marcantel
03-12-2012, 10:38 PM
Good looking hollow form, Alan. What's next?.... Question for you. Do you think that pressure pot you have would take a vaccumn? ....... Jerry (in Tucson)

Bob Bergstrom
03-12-2012, 10:41 PM
Just love those blues. Each one of the acorn caps must be about 1/4". Those are tiny, but really make a neat combination. Thanks for sharing and good selling.

Alan Trout
03-12-2012, 10:45 PM

Yes I have one of my pots to accept vacuum as well and it works better than pressure.


They are tiny This is one tree I found producing these tiny acorns. They are the smallest I have ever seen. Not sure if it was our drought or it is just this tree. Some are as small as #2 pencil erasers.

And thanks for the nice comments.


Jamie Donaldson
03-12-2012, 10:46 PM
I'm always amazed at the tedious work required to assemble these caps so perfectly! The finished product must fool many observers that try to guess the materials included, and the visual effect is stunning.

Baxter Smith
03-12-2012, 10:53 PM
I love your cap pieces Alan and this one has a super shape to go with it! Not that your others didn't.;):)

John Keeton
03-13-2012, 5:54 AM
Alan, of all your acorn cap pieces, I think I like this one best! It is a striking piece, and when one sees the dimensions, that is the icing on the cake!

Roland Martin
03-13-2012, 6:31 AM
This is a beauty, Alan. Like John noted, the small dimensions are what really make this piece intriguing. Wonderful work.

Michelle Rich
03-13-2012, 6:36 AM
adore the color!!! fantastic. good luck at the gallery. it's eye popping & should fascinate folks.

Steve Schlumpf
03-13-2012, 7:43 AM
Absolutely beautiful! Love the color and the 3-D effect you have created! Good luck at the show!!

Jim Burr
03-13-2012, 8:55 AM
You need to try cherry pits Alan! I really like the way there is some order, but not perfect alignment.

Bob Rotche
03-13-2012, 9:18 AM
Alan, I really love your resin work and the acorn cap series are some of my favorites. Have you ever thought about doing a seminar on your style of work? (seriously)

Dave Holmes
03-13-2012, 9:45 AM
This may be for small treasures, but I think it is a small treasure.

Alan Trout
03-13-2012, 9:47 AM

Thanks for the compliments and the kind words. Of all the pieces that I make, my acorn cap pieces I get the most satisfaction. The level of work in these is hard to describe. The closest thing is it is like being a segmented turner but still quite a bit different. The prep work for this piece is about 20hrs. which in my opinion is quite a bit of work for such a small piece. Then I have to turn hollow and finish.


I do casting demonstrations but typically on wood burls and damaged wood as this is the most practical for me to do.

Thanks for sharing your opinions and compliments.


Bernie Weishapl
03-13-2012, 10:00 AM
Beautiful piece Alan. I love your acorn pieces.

Scott Hackler
03-13-2012, 11:19 AM
That teal color is wild! I really like (but not at first) that shade with the acorn caps. My only, very tiny, critique is that the collar color seems to be a bit off. Was that molded at the same time with the same acrylic?

Alan Trout
03-13-2012, 2:19 PM

yes it is the same resin and mix. With the mica pigments areas will be light because of the the way the mica settles. There are darker sections and light sections depending on the way the pigment settled. Plus the collar is very thin and the lights for my photo tent change the color because of the thickness. In person it looks a bit different and matches very well.



Scott Hackler
03-13-2012, 2:28 PM
That's cool. I thought the light might be playing with it a bit.

Rick Markham
03-13-2012, 2:56 PM
It's gorgeous Alan! You mean there's an awesome use for all of those live oak acorns, that cover my yard/car/house constantly? I love the form, and the colors are spectacular

Edward Bartimmo
03-13-2012, 4:45 PM

As always....spectacular!!!

James Roberts
03-13-2012, 4:57 PM
Wow, definitely an eye catcher! Puts me in mind of something natural from the ocean. Wonderful color and execution, good luck with the show

David E Keller
03-13-2012, 9:25 PM
Nicely done, Alan! Of all your pieces that I've seen, I think this may be my favorite form. They're all so striking due to the materials, patterns, and coloring, but the form on this one really holds my attention.

Alan Trout
03-13-2012, 9:31 PM

Thanks for the compliments, I really like this form as well. One of the nice things with my pieces is the materials create such visual interest that it affords me the ability to experiment with forms which I like to do. While I have not perfected any of these forms I do get to see which I like best or experiment with a fresh idea. Right now I am working on a more open form just so it can easily be viewed into. They are very thin and just as fun looking from the inside out. We,ll see how it turns out.


Nate Davey
03-13-2012, 9:37 PM
Incredible piece Alan. Let me know when you're doing your next seminar so I can come out and take some notes.

James Combs
03-13-2012, 9:38 PM
Alan, I was very impressed with this one...until I read the dimensions, and then...I was IMPRESSED. Good grief you must place those things with tweezers. BTW, what do you use for the core form, scrap wood?

Dick Mahany
03-13-2012, 10:01 PM
I like everything about it. Definitely outside the box !