View Full Version : Name those stones!

Scott M Perry
03-12-2012, 4:54 PM
Okay, probably a long shot, but as I was getting ready to buy new waterstones, I remembered I had some in a box. Any able to give me a clue as to what I've got, or the order in which to use them?

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7181/6977188673_03f75aa6f6_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/scott--/6977188673/)
iMG_3932 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/scott--/6977188673/) by Scott -- (http://www.flickr.com/people/scott--/), on Flickr

I know, likely not. Any help is appreciated.


Stuart Tierney
03-12-2012, 7:58 PM
Can't be sure here but...

Natural on the left, I think it's a generic #1-2000 equivalent.

Next looks like a Naniwa Omura, and if it's not, will do the same task. A coarse grit workhorse that's soft and great if you've got nothing else.

Next one, who knows.

On the right, looks like a Suehiro stone from the base. Probably a Rika, making it a soft #5000 stone.

For tools, they'll work and great to start out on. Just remember they're NOT that same as the newer 'ceramic' type stones the ones in the pic likely being softer and possibly slower, but much cheaper and nice to use.

(An awful lot of folks haven't worked this out yet, so still think 'water' stones are all still soft and dish instantly.)

Hope that helps,


David Weaver
03-12-2012, 8:53 PM
Stone #3 is probably a tanba aoto. if it makes a lot of blue gray mud, that's my guess, at least.

Christian Castillo
03-13-2012, 5:45 AM
Here are my guesses:

1. Amakusa Stone
2. Binsui Stone
3. Aoto
4. Suehiro Rika