View Full Version : A Plate, a Bowl, and a Bottle

Baxter Smith
03-12-2012, 3:07 PM
Lately it seems that my choice of dry roughouts to finish, lean toward things I can try and decorate. Not sure if that is a good thing or not! (though I don’t venture beyond simple!):)
I split several white oak crotches about a year and a half ago at Ken Hills. Of the three ½’s I brought home, one was turned thin(novice mistake-it never cracked but it sure doesn't sit flat either!:D) and two were roughed out. Both of the roughouts cracked, but I was still able to get a plate out of this one by reducing the diameter a couple of inches.
The rim was dyed black then finished with Bush Oil. 9.5” x 1.25”

The cherry bowl had a lot of sapwood on the bottom so developed three large cracks shortly after roughing. I had added some CA at the time but wasn’t sure of its future. Since it never cracked completely through the bottom, I thought it might be a good candidate to practice some pyro on. Reminds me of chicken tracks, so any suggestions for a good book or DVD on woodburning would be welcome!
Finished with Walnut Oil. 9.5” x 2.75”

I wasn’t able to completely turn away one of the cracks on the bottom so it is still visible. I was going to try and fill it with some sanding dust when I realized it was already filled with CA from roughing out.

This piece of sassafras was going to be a vase, but by the time I had turned away the punky spots on one end, the shape had changed a bit. The neck was drilled, hollowed through the bottom then allowed to dry. After drying, the bottom hole was trued up then plugged with a scrap piece of red oak. Sandblasted, sanded, and then dyed with black transtint. Finished with liming wax and satin lacquer.

Honest opinions on any of these designs and embellishment attempts are welcome and appreciated! They are my usual wing it designs!


Let me know what you think!:)

Tim Rinehart
03-12-2012, 3:14 PM
Well, I gotta say, again...you have a really good eye for pleasing forms with these. I'm not as crazy about the vase, maybe the straightness of the top...but the bottom is nice.

I like what you did with the platter, nice contrast and wonderful flame in that piece. My favorite is the bowl, and that simple but elegant bit of pyro work on a straight section of rim. This is not something I've seen or noticed before, but I really like it. Were it not for the pyro work, it wouldn't look that good...but it does with it for sure.

Great job!

mike ash
03-12-2012, 3:15 PM
Nice job on all 3 pieces Baxter. I like the Pyro work and the photgraphy on the bottle.

Keep it up!!!

Scott Hackler
03-12-2012, 3:31 PM
The plate is definitely my favorite. O love the contrast of that dyed rim. Nice work Baxter.

Eric Gourieux
03-12-2012, 3:36 PM
I like them all, Baxter. The platter catches my eye the most. That's probably because you did a great job on the form - and I'm wanting to do a platter soon. I particularly like the feather in the middle of the platter. I have some crotches of pecan, cherry and walnut for this purpose. I'm curious how you oriented the platter in relation to the crotch in order to get the feather. Is this a horizontal slice or vertical through the middle of the crotch?

I'm also impressed with the sandblasting and dying of the vase. Nice job.

Doug W Swanson
03-12-2012, 3:54 PM
They all look great, Baxter! The plate stands out in my mind but I like how the color turned out on the vase....

James Combs
03-12-2012, 4:22 PM
A vote for my favorite would go to the vase/bottle. It's different and I love different, great finish as well. The cherry runs a very close second though, it is a favorite wood of mine. Over all a very nice trio.

Allan Ferguson
03-12-2012, 5:17 PM
All very nice. I believe that white oak is prone to splitting anyway.

Mike Tilley
03-12-2012, 5:53 PM
Baxter nice looking set really like the plate the edge makes stand out

Jim Burr
03-12-2012, 5:56 PM
The platter is holding my interest...sorry to say that the bowl kind of pales in comparison:( I like that bottle! The liming tx worked well and hollowing from the bottom ain't easy!

Bill Bolen
03-12-2012, 6:04 PM
While the White oak piece is my favorite by far that bottle sure sparks my interest! Cool pieces.

David DeCristoforo
03-12-2012, 6:41 PM
Nice stuff, Baxter. The platter is far and away my favorite. That is one I will save against the day I take it into my mind to chuck up a couple of maple burl platter blanks I have stashed away. The vase, is very sweet but I am not too taken with the straight neck.

Bernie Weishapl
03-12-2012, 7:24 PM
Really nice Baxter. Not a fan of the vase with the long neck but the bottom form looks good.

John Keeton
03-12-2012, 8:34 PM
Fantastic platter, and the bowl form is excellent. I actually think you did a great job with the pyro - very precise and clean. Not too heavy, which is a problem I have with pyro work. Did you use a skew tip?

I really like the texturing and finish on the bottle neck piece, and I like the form of the bottom. The straight neck doesn't do much for me, but it is an interesting look.

Baxter, your work is always well done. The detailing and finish is very appealing. Also.....I need a sandblasting unit!!! I really like that look.

charlie knighton
03-12-2012, 9:05 PM
Baxter . you have been busy. all are nice, the vase's form is unique, like your pyro

Dan Forman
03-12-2012, 11:21 PM
My favorite is the platter, the dye works really well in to highlight the feather in the bottom.


Baxter Smith
03-12-2012, 11:59 PM
Thanks for your impressions! Glad you found something you liked and thanks for any candid comments(ie. straight neck):)

I'm curious how you oriented the platter in relation to the crotch in order to get the feather. Is this a horizontal slice or vertical through the middle of the crotch?.......
Eric, I tried to split the blank right through both piths on the branch ends and single pith on the other. The pith was removed from the botttom a couple days later when it was roughed out. The bottom of the plate is closer to that initial cut. (Thats where the figure is the strongest, so you turn down towards it on the up side)

....... Did you use a skew tip?

... The straight neck doesn't do much for me, but it is an interesting look.

Also.....I need a sandblasting unit!!! I really like that look.

John, I did use a skew tip and a ball tip. Straight lines and dots are about all I can handle. ;)

The top of the bottle started out as the bottom and I was just trying to turn away some punky spots on one side. The rot just kept going up and up until I had to change the plan. Somehow I got the idea that I would try a long straight neck since I was almost there. The amusing part was that as soon as I was done with it, I was half thinking "that straight line was a mistake".:rolleyes: Your beaded neck bottle and Wally Dickermans comment about straight lines has always stuck in my mind though it got lost in the fog for a few minutes on this one.

Sand blaster? So do you want to give up the claro or BLM burl, and start turning oak?:)

Michelle Rich
03-13-2012, 6:41 AM
I like the bowl decoration..reminds me of a chicken footprint! adorable

Donny Lawson
03-13-2012, 6:48 AM
All three pieces look stunningly well. As always great work.

Eric Gourieux
03-13-2012, 9:03 AM
[QUOTE=Baxter Smith;1893730]Thanks for your impressions! Glad you found something you liked and thanks for any candid comments(ie. straight neck):)

Eric, I tried to split the blank right through both piths on the branch ends and single pith on the other. The pith was removed from the botttom a couple days later when it was roughed out. The bottom of the plate is closer to that initial cut. (Thats where the figure is the strongest, so you turn down towards it on the up side)

Thanks, Baxter. I'll give it a try

steven carter
03-13-2012, 2:16 PM
Good job on all three pieces, is really like the rim on the platter, the pyrography on the bowl and the sandblast effect on the bottle.

Roland Martin
03-13-2012, 5:01 PM
I too think all three are very nice. The plate is my favorite, great looking feather and dyed rim. I really like the pyro work on the bowl, just enough to bring it from a bowl to a very nice bowl. I like the vase and the sandblasting, really pronounces the grain. Very nice Baxter.

Eric Holmquist
03-13-2012, 8:18 PM
Beautiful job on the platter, I love the contrast of the dyed rim.

I am intrigued by the bottle. I have one piece that I have sandblasted, but not yet finished. This is motivation to finish the task.

Rich Aldrich
03-13-2012, 8:54 PM
Really nice work, Baxter. I really like the bottle, but the platter is nice as well.

Dick Mahany
03-13-2012, 9:59 PM
I really like the platter, and also like the simplicity of the pyro on the bowl. Very, very nice.

Baxter Smith
03-14-2012, 1:04 PM
Thanks again to all for taking the time to share your thoughts!

I like the bowl decoration..reminds me of a chicken footprint! adorable
Reminded me of the same thing Michele! Minus the "adorable" part.;):)