View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
03-12-2012, 8:11 AM
12 Mar 2012

Good Morning everyone,
I hope that each of you have been experiencing better weather than we have. I'm already ready for the rain to stop and better skies to arrive. But, I'm still thankful for the rain.

I have recently found out how difficult reading is when your glasses are broken. Yea, the frames broke right where the nose bridge attaches to the right side lens frame!! They just broke one evening while I was sitting on the couch watching a movie and noticed the glasses felt funny on my face and when I took them off to look at them, they fell apart in my hands. I'm one of those weird people, I can't see far off and I can't see close up without glasses. Fortunately I do have a pair of computer glasses that allowed me to keep working at my day job but I really dislike life in general without being able to see clearly.

Well, I'll step away and get some coffee. Now I'd like to know what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Randy Rose
03-12-2012, 8:41 AM
Trimmed out the windows in my new shop and lammed up a new bench top 3.25 x 3' x 8'

Matt Meiser
03-12-2012, 9:12 AM
Saturday we took our daughter to a monster truck show. I took her at the county fair a few years ago on a whim and she's turned into a big fan so she asked us to take her when she saw the ads. Saturday evening I set our new generator in place and started digging the trench for the wiring. Sunday I finished the trench, ran the wiring which my friend/contractor had roughed in Friday and connected the gas line from the wall to the generator (we had the gas roughed in 2 years ago when we got natural gas) and started it up. Friend/contractor is coming back next Saturday to finish the inside electrical work, pulling all the standby circuits from the main panel and into the new panel and running the line from the old panel to the transfer switch. Since I can't afford to take a day off right now that has to be done a weekend so I have power to my office.

Steve Meliza
03-12-2012, 11:18 AM
Took advantage of a $20 off $100 coupon at my local Rockler store to get a 4" dust collection hose, fittings, etc so that I could finally connect the dust collector to my 10" Delta contractor's table saw so I'm not filling the garage with clouds of dust. Of course that meant closing in the bottom and back of the saw the best that I could. It took all morning but there is a significant improvement and the dust collector is no longer in the corner passively collecting dust.

After that I got to cut some wood and continue building an 18 drawer workbench per Tom Clark's excellent book. The body is all built and it is time to move on to mounting slides and building the drawers out of some 1/2" one-sided MDO that I got as scrap from a local business for a song ($2 for a 16"x48" piece).

David Hostetler
03-12-2012, 3:35 PM
More drywall and trim work, tested out samples of paint colors. We have come to an agreement on the contrast color, but the primary color we are going with admittedly is a bit of a compromise. She can't decide what she likes, and we need to get moving with this yesterday. I am hand surfacing a 9' long Pecan plank using my Groz #7.It's going pretty well, but could be better... When they said rough stock they weren't kidding...

I have smaller pieces that will go through the jointer / planer. Almost wish I had adjustable roller stands to act as infeed / outfeed support so that I can use my machines for this... Especially face jointing has been a painful process.

Jim Matthews
03-12-2012, 5:46 PM
I dragged this out of my basement...226949

Shawn Pixley
03-12-2012, 11:50 PM
I finally had a weekend to work. I took a 4"x12"x6'-0" rough four side walnut lumber and hand jointed, cut, thicknessed, and prepared stock for for a cabinet that is my next project. Muscling around the big slab was a nice workout. This morning came very early.

Rich Greinert
03-13-2012, 12:48 AM
I attended a woodturning demonstration put on by the Northwest Washington Woodturners in Anacortes, Washington by Al Stirt. It was a great time and I am anxious to digest and apply the techniques he shared.