View Full Version : Mesquite Burl Platter/Bowl

Kathy Marshall
03-11-2012, 3:57 AM
Last weekend I finally got around to cutting apart the mesquite stump with the burl on it. It wasn't a large burl and someone had put a chainsaw kerf right down the middle of it, so that kind of limited how to cut out the blanks. I found another small burl when I turned the stump over, so I ended up with 3 blanks, one of which is long with plenty of wood underneath so I think I can get 2 or 3 small hfs from it.
I turned this piece was from the 2nd burl on Friday. It was shallow (didn't stick out much from the log) and the surface was very irregular (had a big dip in the center of the bark side). I rearranged it a few times before I finally settled on an orientation (opposite of how I would have preferred) in a typical ne bowl blank orientation. Most of the burl figure was in the sapwood, but with the dip in the bark edge I would have turned away all of the sapwood in order to turn a tenon and the way the blank was I would have lost alot of the sides.

It's about 8 1/2" x 2 1/4 and has a coat of BLO so far. It still has a decent amount of figure, but the 1 drawback is the one straight wing which was where a branch was cut off, not much I could do about it.

And here it is with a little black accent piece :D, terrible pic but the "accent" wouldn't hold still :eek:.

Thanks for looking!
Comments and critiques are welcome

John Keeton
03-11-2012, 7:02 AM
That is an awesome piece of wood, Kathy!! I like what you did with it.

I am trying to recall the name of the pups you had, but cannot. I do recall I had never heard of them before and had to look it up. Cute!!! But, little!

Dennis Ford
03-11-2012, 8:48 AM
you did a great job with that wood!

Toney Robertson
03-11-2012, 9:20 AM
Beautiful wood and I like the form.

Great job.

Doug W Swanson
03-11-2012, 9:48 AM
Nice bowl, Kathy. Even with the one edge, it looks great!

Cute little puppy, too!

Baxter Smith
03-11-2012, 10:02 AM
Great use of the burl Kathy. The ring of sapwood around the outside adds a lot. Too bad it is missing in that one spot. I have several of those "it could have been so perfect" pieces.:) The accent part makes up for it though.;):)

Bernie Weishapl
03-11-2012, 10:15 AM
Beautiful piece Kathy. Love the form and wood.