View Full Version : Accepted

Ken Glass
03-10-2012, 6:47 PM
Hey All,
Last fall I submitted some pictures of some past turnings to a committee member of the David Strawn Art Gallery board for review for a possible showing at some time in the future. Well last night, I got a call from the director of the Gallery and I have been selected for a showing this fall. I was shocked and some words came to mind from Wayne's World, like, "I'm not worthy," "I'm not worthy." Well, apparently the board thought I was. There will be a Gala night for the showing, and there will be two Artisans showing for the month, me and paintings by an artist. When I asked about how many pieces I could show she said as many as you want as the show room is expansive. My pieces will be on pedestals and glass cases and the other person will have the wall space. Now the uncertainty of what to show comes to play. I am even being paid to show, which was a shock, as well. I will be on display for a month and all items will be for sale without commission. I do have some extra time to decide, so I might try a few new things that I haven't done before. I am so incredibly excited to be chosen, so I thought I would share the good new with my friends. Here is a link to the Gallery, but there is not much to see as the Gallery doesn't open for the season until April. http://www.strawnartgallery.org/ Here is a picture of the outside of the Gallery which was built in 1880. It is a beautiful building and has some permanent displays that are wonderful. http://www.flickr.com/photos/army_arch/566389475/

Robert McGowen
03-10-2012, 7:04 PM
Not only does it sound like a great opportunity, that "no commission" deal is sweet!

Steve Schlumpf
03-10-2012, 7:06 PM
Ken - CONGRATS!! That is big news! You get paid to be there and you also don't have to pay any commission for the entire month?? Holly Cow - take everything you can get your hands on!!

Have fun! We expect lots of photos when the event rolls around!!

Roger Chandler
03-10-2012, 7:11 PM
It doesn't get much better than that! What an opportunity! Congratulations Ken!

Nate Davey
03-10-2012, 7:16 PM
Congratulations Ken, look forward to seeing the pics of the venue.

Scott Hackler
03-10-2012, 7:34 PM
Major congrats Ken! I would get real busy and fill that place up with pieces. I am not in any galleries but know that no commision is unheard of. I wonder what the reward for the gallery is if they don't get a cut?

charlie knighton
03-10-2012, 7:34 PM
congratulations, no commission, is that sort of like 70 virgins?

Ted Calver
03-10-2012, 8:14 PM
Whoo Hooo!! Congratulations Ken. Let's see...one piece a day between now and fall......better get busy :)

David DeCristoforo
03-10-2012, 8:26 PM
Paid to show??? No commission??? That's a gallery most people only dream of! Kind of like you died and went to heaven. Maybe you better pinch yourself...

Faust M. Ruggiero
03-10-2012, 8:30 PM
If I lived closer I would come cheer you on. That's every artists dream, to be shown and paid for it. Best of luck when the time comes.

Ken Glass
03-10-2012, 8:44 PM
Hey All,
Before we all envision a huge payment given to me by honoring them with my presence, LOL, I must admit the enumeration is the small amount of $100.00. But, the fact of being on display and for sale for a month at The Strawn Art Gallery is much more enticing to me. It could also establish me with some very wonderful collectors and Artists which can't be bad either. All in all, it should prove to be a real Hoot!

Dale Bright
03-10-2012, 8:59 PM
Way to go Ken, congratulations!!!

Steve Vaughan
03-10-2012, 9:03 PM
SWEET! Congratulations!

Joe Meirhaeghe
03-10-2012, 9:08 PM
Congrats on your up coming gallery show. & remember to have fun with this & don't let it burn you out.

Baxter Smith
03-10-2012, 11:06 PM
Congrats Ken! It looks like a great place to be!

Kathy Marshall
03-10-2012, 11:40 PM
Big Congrats Ken! That sounds like a really sweet deal, good luck and I hope you sell out!

Jeff Fagen
03-11-2012, 1:06 AM
Very prestigious! I wish you well,all those shavings are paying off:)

Primvs Aebvtivs
03-11-2012, 3:44 AM
Congratulations Ken! Well done on a very interesting opportunity! I really hope you do well on this - you may become famous, and for doing something you enjoy doing that hurts no-one. I'm so pleased to have read this, I'm (almost) speechless. I don't think there's a thread reader who doesn't wish he was in your shoes.

John Keeton
03-11-2012, 7:09 AM
Congrats, Ken!! That is a beautiful building and I imagine there will be some good potential buyers coming through during the exhibit. Excellent opportunity for you!

Toney Robertson
03-11-2012, 9:24 AM
Now that is a SWEET deal. Congrats and I hope you sell a bunch.

Bernie Weishapl
03-11-2012, 10:24 AM
Congrats Ken. It is great to get your name out there.

Steve Mawson
03-11-2012, 10:44 AM
Way to go Ken, we plan to be in Jville for Easter. Hope to get by and see the exhibit, I know my wife has been there but not sure I have ever been in the building unless it was on a grade school tour. Looking forward to it.

Ken Glass
03-11-2012, 10:59 AM
My showing isn't until this fall, and the Gallery doesn't open until May for the season, but as always, your welcome to stop by my shop. The house is always cluttered with my turnings too, and the coffees always on.....

Roland Martin
03-11-2012, 4:49 PM
That is an amazing opportunity, Ken. I wish you the best, only good things can come from this.

Bill White
03-11-2012, 5:09 PM
What an excellent compliment to your talent. Now, GET BUSY. The rest is up to you.
We want a BUNCH of pics.

James Roberts
03-12-2012, 7:39 PM
Paid and no commission? Rent the BIG truck and take everything you can find. Heck, tell them "Yeah, I turned that kitchen sink too.":D Congratulations!

Ron Bontz
03-12-2012, 9:57 PM
Congrats. If I am lucky. perhaps I'll get a chance to wander up that way.

Michelle Rich
03-13-2012, 6:46 AM
congrats Ken. what great news!!! take a deep breath & have fun