View Full Version : Cyclone Dust Collector building project

Peter Fabricius
03-06-2012, 9:40 PM
Hi All;
I just completed my Cyclone Dust Collector. Interesting project and it works just great.All the pieces were assembled from off cuts available in the shop. I am going to connect it to the Central Vacuum system that I use in the shop. I do have to share with my wife so I constantly have to remember to close the vac gates when she wants to vacuum the house. Having a new Dust Sherif in the shop will improve the suction by keeping the filter and Central cannister clean. It will also make emptying the dust and wood chips out as they will collect in the 5 Gal bucket and be easy to dump.
Sorry I do not know how to rotate this!!

Peter F.


Dennis Ford
03-06-2012, 10:01 PM
Nice stave construction and that joint to the inlet is impressive.

Bill Bolen
03-06-2012, 11:45 PM
A staved dust deputy! Looks a lot better than my plastic one!

Jon McElwain
03-06-2012, 11:51 PM
Well done. I imagined something like this a while back - great to see it done for real! You'll have to give us a review and/or a tutorial on how you did it...

John Keeton
03-07-2012, 5:09 AM
Well, I was getting ready to move this thread to the workshop forum when I realized it is a turning project!!! Very nice work!

Peter Fabricius
03-07-2012, 9:12 AM
Thanks all and John, it really is a turning project. Virtually every part was turned on the Lathe.
I will have a project summary with pictures at one point if anyone is interested.
Peter F.

Bob Lloyd
03-07-2012, 9:43 AM
Great job, not what I was expecting when I opened the thread. Of course, I did not look at the forum heading when looking at today's posts!!

Paul Williams
03-07-2012, 3:31 PM
Perer, I'm sure that I am not the only one interested in the summary and photos. Why don't you post a tutorial.

Harry Robinette
03-07-2012, 6:11 PM
If it works as good as my store bought one you have done yourself and you wife a GREAT service cause mine works wonders.

Peter Fabricius
03-08-2012, 8:51 PM
Hi all;
Here is a MS Word document with the details of the Cyclone Dust Collector I built and then Bill Young from Woodworking Friends Forum also built one. I hope this works as a download for those interested.
Comments are always welcome.

OK, well that did not work, the file is 1.88MB and the site limit is only a few KB meant for small pictures....
Does anyone know how to transmit a MS Word file?
Peter F.

James Combs
03-08-2012, 9:20 PM
Hi all;
Here is a MS Word document with the details of the Cyclone Dust Collector I built and then Bill Young from Woodworking Friends Forum also built one. I hope this works as a download for those interested.
Comments are always welcome.

OK, well that did not work, the file is 1.88MB and the site limit is only a few KB meant for small pictures....
Does anyone know how to transmit a MS Word file?
Peter F.

Peter, MSWord 2007 has the ability to save as a PDF file. If you are using that version save it as a PDF and upload that. The allowed size of a PDF is bigger then pics and documents.

Dick Mahany
03-08-2012, 9:56 PM
Fabulous job ! Very clever and artistic. Be watchful as Oneida and Clearvue may want to be contracting with you for a special artistic series !

Peter Fabricius
03-09-2012, 11:26 AM
Here goes again trying to attach a file to this post. Thanks to Dick Mahany for his suggestion on a free download program that converts MS Word documents to a PDF document. It worked real slick so I hope my PDF file will attach for you to see.
Thanks Dick.
Peter F.

Well it worked but I had to split up the tutorial into 4 Parts. Each had to be less than the 156KB max on SMC.

Peter Fabricius
03-09-2012, 10:12 PM
Well I was able to upload the Tutorial in 4 Parts. Hope it is not too much trouble looking at the 4 parts.
thanks, C&C welcome.
Peter F.

Joshua Dinerstein
03-12-2012, 1:10 AM
I will have a project summary with pictures at one point if anyone is interested.

I for one am definitely interested!

Thanks and can't wait for the write up and more photos.

P.S. I suppose I posted to late. I just saw that after seeing the initial pic and the request for a write up that you had posted one just a few more posted down. I have them downloading now and I am really interesting in reading thru them. So instead of a excitement for you to build one I instead have excitement at getting to read them. Thanks for this!

Bernie Weishapl
03-12-2012, 10:45 AM
That is a cool piece. Thanks for sharing the tutorial.