View Full Version : A Couple must have books...

John Weber
03-23-2005, 4:39 PM
I haven't been overwhelmed recently with woodworking books, it seems I like a DVD better, ww forums, or magazines. Well I ordered the two David Charlesworth books ($24.41 + shipping from Tools for Working Wood). They are excellent! Each volume is a series of articles written for Furniture & Cabinetmaking magazine in England, they are somewhat like the FWW series from the early nineties where they put together similar articles in a series of books. The information is fresh, photography is excellent, and I'm having a blast picking up all sorts of tricks. I'm a big fan of David's sharpening techniques, and now I hope to add a wide range of other tips and tricks.


P.S. No connection, just very pleased...


David Fried
03-23-2005, 7:41 PM
Yes! I got the first one and have been looking for the second. Alot of fun.

Jay Knoll
03-23-2005, 8:13 PM

Thanks for reminding me about these books, I looked for them at the Orlando WW Show but couldn't find them

An interesting aside, they are cheaper here than on the Amazon site


Mark Singer
03-23-2005, 8:39 PM
I have them and enjoy them also!