View Full Version : Cardinals and Another Razorback Bench

Marshall Border
03-04-2012, 10:11 PM
Made my first Cardinals bench for my best friend of thirty years { a surprize gift } , and this is my second Razorback bench for my brother-in-law that helped me build my shop 9 years ago{ another surprize gift } . I'm going to deliver them on Saturday March 17 .... hopeing they like them . I have two more benches to finish stripping and sanding and and after I finish routering and staining and clear coating - I'm hanging this bench work up - just to hard of work just getting them to the point where I can do my thing of Routering . I'm going to finish one bench in the Razorback design for me next and one for my Cousin that lives in New Orleans { A New Orelans Saints one } . I will post pictures of those benches when I get them finish also .keep in mind that these benches were given to me from a local Funeral home that was remodeling - and didn't want them sold - so right down my alley .....any comments are welcomed .............MB :D

alex grams
03-06-2012, 9:22 AM
Do you have a picture of your router template? I am curious how you did that. I am looking at doing some router patterns that are a little more intricate than my limited experience.

Though, to help you in your next bench, use my avatar as a template!

Marshall Border
03-06-2012, 11:39 AM
I'm not planing on doing but to more benches and it's one more Razorback bench for myself and a New Orleans Saints for my cousin that lives in New Orleans . And as far as the template - it's a lot of time making it - for you can't go to kin-coos and have them do it . You just have to lay out a lot of paper and do free-hand work with the pencil . I think the pattern was almost as much work as doing the whole bench ......good luck........MB

Larry Browning
03-06-2012, 1:25 PM
Cardinals and Razorbacks. I knew you had to be from Arkansas with that combo. I never have quite understood why there are so many Cardinal fans here in Arkansas, when there are 2 other teams that are closer. I know there used to be a couple Cardinal farm teams here, but that was several years ago.
I am a lifetime Texas Ranger fan who now officially hates the Cards (Just kidding.. well maybe a little). Can anyone explain why it is that people from Arkansas love the Cardinals?

Marshall Border
03-08-2012, 8:35 AM
I have no idea Larry , I'm really just a Razorback fan - the Cardinals bench is just for my best friend that's a die hard fan . Never really got into baseball - but at one time I was a Braves fan and my son still is ..........thanks for your comment .............MB