View Full Version : Charity fundraising idea

Mark Ashmeade
03-03-2012, 10:18 AM
I've been doing some thinking on painting my Old Woodworking Machines (OWWMs), and a brainwave hit me, so I thought I'd run it by the masses to see if it would get any traction.

I have a Powermatic 66 tablesaw, a Powermatic 72 tablesaw, a Delta 33-411 RAS, and a Delta 1460 lathe. All of them are old, and need painting. None of them need anything more than bearings to bring them up to speed. The problem I had was that I couldn't decide on a color to paint them. I don't care for the original colors of gold (PMs) and gray (Delta). Possibly the Deltas might look OK, but the Powermatics sting my eyes to look at them.

I'd considered black, Brunswick green, candy apple red, cream, dark metallic brown, yadda yadda.

My brainwave was "what if I painted them pink, girly nail polish and lipstick pink, and got people to sponsor me to do such a thing to raise money for Breast Cancer Research?"

Would people here be willing to throw $10 or other small sum into the pot in aid of Breast Cancer Research? I could potentially get the paint under sponsorship, get the tools sprayed by a bodyshop, and get the whole thing in the papers. Even if the paint were paid for by me, and I sprayed it, would people be willing to part with a little cash for such an endeavor?

October is Breast Cancer Research month, and the Delta Airlines pink plane, and the flight attendants wearing pink is where I got the idea. I could maybe even get the machines in the Delta onboard magazine, and raise a few shekels there too. There's plenty of time to get this done before October, I'd shoot for July to get in the October Delta magazine.

I'm just a bit nervous I'd end up with a bunch of pink machines and no money raised if the idea didn't take off. I'd be grateful if people would post whether they think it would work, or whether I'm barking up the wrong tree.



Paul Symchych
03-03-2012, 11:14 AM
I doubt the idea would get much traction unless you put the machines into some sort of silent auction. But I presume you intend to keep the machines.
As to airline magazines, recently one of them had a spread on AZ Opera so that is my only contact with them. These are not 'news' items printed out of the goodness of their corporate heart. You will likely be asked to pay them to have an article or item published.

Mark Ashmeade
03-03-2012, 11:35 AM
Well indeed Paul, they use the magazine to promote whatever is the monthly focus. October is Breast Cancer month. But I do take your point, maybe this won't succeed. It was only a thought.

Paul Symchych
03-03-2012, 1:47 PM
I'm a fan of Linus Pauling's approach to ideas.
“The way to get good ideas is to get lots of ideas, and throw the bad ones away”.
Always worth thinking of something different if only to dismiss it and get on to the next one. Worked well for him.