View Full Version : Tutorial on Installing Quadrant Hinges without a Router

Mike Henderson
03-02-2012, 5:31 PM
Some time back, I volunteered to do a tutorial on installing quadrant hinges. But to install quadrant hinges, you need a box and I didn't have any plans to build a box anytime soon. Scott Krallman contacted me and volunteered to send me a box to do the tutorial. He did send it and I completed the tutorial. You can see it here (http://www.mikes-woodwork.com/QuadrantHinges.htm).

If you find any errors or have questions about any of the steps, please let me know so I can improve it.


P.S. I posted this in general woodworking because I used both power and hand tools to do this job. If it should be somewhere else, Mods, please move it.

Mike McCann
03-02-2012, 5:52 PM

thanks for the tutorial. Very easy to follow. Will have to try on the next box I make.

Scott nice looking box

Phil Thien
03-02-2012, 6:45 PM
Nicely done tutorial. The work is top-notch, too.

richard poitras
03-02-2012, 7:30 PM
Mike another great job on the tutorial thanks for posting.

Mike I was looking at your other tutorials which I have looked at before and have found them equally done as well but in trying to open up your sand shaded fan (http://www.mikes-woodwork.com/Papers/Making a Veneer Sand Shaded Fan.pdf) it doesn’t let me open it ? I was just wondering if for some reason it was my computer or if it was on your end as I can open all the other ones?

Thanks Richard

David Cramer
03-02-2012, 7:39 PM
Great tutorial Mike! Excellent.


Mike Henderson
03-02-2012, 7:56 PM
Mike another great job on the tutorial thanks for posting.

Mike I was looking at your other tutorials which I have looked at before and have found them equally done as well but in trying to open up your sand shaded fan (http://www.mikes-woodwork.com/Papers/Making a Veneer Sand Shaded Fan.pdf) it doesn’t let me open it ? I was just wondering if for some reason it was my computer or if it was on your end as I can open all the other ones?

Thanks Richard
Thanks for your kind words, Richard. The sand shaded tutorial is a PDF. I don't know why I did it that way but I did. If you have trouble downloading it, send me a PM with your email address and I'll send it to you.


frank shic
03-02-2012, 7:56 PM
that's a pretty interesting tutorial. never saw those hinges before. that box is incredible btw

Jerry Thompson
03-02-2012, 9:27 PM
I am missing something. I do not see where to access the tutorial.

Mike Henderson
03-02-2012, 9:52 PM
I am missing something. I do not see where to access the tutorial.
In the first post, there's a sentence that says "You can see it here (http://www.mikes-woodwork.com/QuadrantHinges.htm)". The word "here (http://www.mikes-woodwork.com/QuadrantHinges.htm)" is a link. Click on it. Or click on the word "here (http://www.mikes-woodwork.com/QuadrantHinges.htm)" in this post.


Rick Moyer
03-02-2012, 10:50 PM
In the first post, there's a sentence that says "You can see it here (http://www.mikes-woodwork.com/QuadrantHinges.htm)". The word "here (http://www.mikes-woodwork.com/QuadrantHinges.htm)" is a link. Click on it. Or click on the word "here (http://www.mikes-woodwork.com/QuadrantHinges.htm)" in this post.

well that outta cover it!

Phil Thien
03-03-2012, 10:03 AM
Hey Mike, I forgot to ask this when I first read the tutorial...

You mentioned these were Brusso. Have you used other brands and do you have a favorite quadrant hinge?

Mike Henderson
03-03-2012, 11:07 AM
Hey Mike, I forgot to ask this when I first read the tutorial...

You mentioned these were Brusso. Have you used other brands and do you have a favorite quadrant hinge?
I've used a variety of brands over the years. But I don't build boxes that often and usually shop around when I need quadrant hinges. There's a Woodcraft I teach at and I usually just see what they have. If it looks good in my hand, I'll buy and use it.

I have used Brusso in the past, and they're good hinges - just expensive.
