View Full Version : Maple Urn

dan carter
03-02-2012, 12:31 PM
This urn is 10 x 12. Pretty typical size for the urns I make. Used ABS for the threaded opening. It's finished with bushing lacquer, then several coats of tung oil, and buffed.

Steve Vaughan
03-02-2012, 1:52 PM
That's very, very nice! I'm just now finishing an urn out of walnut for a friend who lost his pit bull friend. Hoping I'm making it big enough. This is really nice looking...I've got to learn to put those threads in!

Ted Calver
03-02-2012, 8:09 PM
It looks very well done, with a nice form and finish. Good job!

Roger Chandler
03-02-2012, 8:42 PM
That is nice Dan! I like your form...........I would prefer a little smaller pedestal and finial [less thick] but these are really nice!

Bill Walsh
03-07-2012, 8:16 PM
Dan, First of all very nice job!!! Only advise I could give you is to check out Cidy Drozda's website, DVD and her vortex tool. She is the finial master. Her DVD and vortex tool have helped me 10 fold!!! Fabulous Finial Box is my favorite.... One thing to watch is over sanding which rounds the otherwise shape edges. My first urn took around five trys at the finial until I got one that I liked. Practice will yeild great results and your well under way. Thanks for posting the photo.