View Full Version : Need advice on buying another midi-lathe

Dave Kartzman
03-02-2012, 11:47 AM
I have had my Delta 46-460 midi-lathe in the shop (burnt out motor, switch and rheostat) for the last three weeks. The authorized delta repair shop ordered the parts that week and has only received one of 6 parts ordered. He told me that the parts depot told him they don't know when they will have the parts to ship (I guess they are backordered). I can't go much longer without a lathe (shows are coming up this spring) and I need to get another midi-lathe. I have been looking at the Jet 12"x20" variable speed lathe. Does anyone have experience with this lathe, and more importantly, are parts available?

I don't understand what is going on at Delta since the Taiwan-based company purchased it, but this is not good. This lathe has only been out for a little over two years.

Thanks in advance....


Dave Kartzman
03-02-2012, 2:05 PM
I just found out from a delta parts supplier that the switch for the 46-460 is obsoleted and there is no replacement. This lathe has a 5 year warranty. If they are obsoleting the parts already, what responsibility does Delta have to provide the parts to fix the lathe?

Tim Rinehart
03-02-2012, 2:23 PM
I was curious and just scoured the net a bit as well...and that's some disturbing info. Hmmm, that John Keeton fella must have seen the writing somewhere when he decided to part with his 460.

I hope the switch is the only thing that falls in this category, and that it is retrofittable with something else ... especially while under warranty. Switches, in general only have a few failure modes and can often be disassembled and repaired with a little care and patience. Thanks for the heads up and sorry to see this become such an early issue in the product life. Temporarily unavailable is tolerable...discontinued isn't!

As for other lathes...Jet is probably the most popular overall platform out there for minis, and have some great selections. The other one I'd consider and which I've suggested to a friend wanting to get in reasonably is the Nova Comet, which has that fancy rig on the outboard of the spindle to drive accessories, like grinding wheels. That's a great demo setup in my book, as you'd not have to take a separate grinder if you have a need for periodic sharpening on a grinder, vs a sharpening stone.

Tim Boger
03-02-2012, 2:29 PM
Jet has always been the "standard" for mini and midi lathes .... at least as far as I'm concerned. I've had a 14-42 for 8 years now with out a problem.


Dave Kartzman
03-02-2012, 3:57 PM
Thanks a lot for the recommendations. My friend called Delta's customer service and the tech person was very sympathetic, but was not aware that no parts were shipping. he was going to contact the parts depot and find out what's going on. But it is obvious that they are having problems with parts since the purchase by the Taiwanese company.

I have a dilemma. I can buy another Delta 46-460 locally which, according to the people on this site, is more powerful and liked better than the Jet (larger motor for one), but what is to say that Delta will get their act together. I really liked the Delta. I guess I'll try to figure out what to do this weekend.

Thanks again

Gary Max
03-02-2012, 4:19 PM
This is part of Delta's New way of doing business------tell them you want the 46-460 replaced.

James Roberts
03-02-2012, 4:27 PM
+1 on the "tell them you want it replaced" idea. Maybe mention that you frequent many of the various turning forums and would probably let everyone know how you are being treated:rolleyes:...you get the idea. If you have to get another brand I don't think you would go to far wrong with the Jet. I have one and when I had a problem their customer service was excellent. I was back up and running in about a week.

Roger Chandler
03-02-2012, 4:39 PM
Believe it or not the Grizzly G0658 midi has had good reviews by owners............it does not have a reverse, but JD Combs added one to his 0658. It is a 12x20 as well.................might be worth checking out and Grizzly does stand behind their products with parts and service.

Andrew Raymond
03-02-2012, 8:06 PM
I also have the 460 and have had problems with the tail stock and the switch......Delta has gone to ____.......when it is working it is awesome......

Marvin Hasenak
03-02-2012, 8:44 PM
Lately it seems the parts issue has become the norm for Delta. The LA200, the older Delta mini, has had lots of parts discontinued, same with the Delta 46-715. I like Delta, but as of now they are not on my buying list. In my opinion the Dewalt, Delta and Black & Decker deal is hanging Delta out to dry.

Dave Kartzman
03-02-2012, 8:50 PM
I completely agree... I will have to do something soon, as I can't go much longer without a lathe (with shows coming up in the spring). If I get anywhere with Delta, I'll post it.

Thanks again to all...


Rob Holcomb
03-03-2012, 10:30 AM
I have the Delta 46-460 also. So far I've not had any problems with it but now I'm worried. When I bought it, the raves all over this site and elsewhere were unbelievable. Now, less than two years later, I read problem after problem getting parts, parts being obsoleted, etc. I don't use it every day so I'm hoping it lasts for a while but Geesh! That's unacceptable to pay that much for a tool and then to read so many problems with it in such a short amount of time!

Peter Lamb
03-03-2012, 12:24 PM
I'm working with the New Delta to get these warranty issues resolved in a timely manner. Unfortunately Black and Decker has warranty responsibility for older 46-460 machines for some time to come and is not doing a good job of it. The New Delta has expressed concern and interest in helping support warranty repairs though technically not responsible for them at this time. I will report any progress. So far there appears to be real interest at the New Delta in solving the problems..

Rob Price
03-03-2012, 12:44 PM
bummer, just bought mine and now I'm nervous. I guess any generic switch would turn it on- I dunno if the speed control would work or not. has anyone tried a generic tool switch on this lathe? they are still making them and selling them- so there have to be parts for them somewhere...

Jeff Fagen
03-03-2012, 1:31 PM
I did a little digging and found the facebook page of Bryan Whiffen president and CEO of Delta and sent him a private message asking him to do something about part support.Also I told him we are all taking about it on SMC.:)

Brian Brown
03-03-2012, 1:38 PM
When I bought my 460, it was to replace my LA 200, because parts were no longer available for the LA 200. The 460 arrived shipping damaged, and Delta chose to replace it, because parts were not available. At 2 years old, they will not be so willing to replace yours, but I would push. The new Delta has a desire to make a good reputation from the start, and I think they are working hard to do just that. I think the parts problem will be temporary. I hope so, because I have so many Delta tools.

In the meantime, my thought on a MIDI to replace your 460... hold on to your hat... here it comes... get a new 46-460. The reason is, that the new lathe will fit the old space, stand, cabinet, etc. exactly, and you are used to the height, switch placement, and features (some that you can't get anywhere else). There is nothing else to get used to, or retraining necessary. This is especially important since you "can't go much longer without a lathe (shows are coming up this spring)" and at some time in the future if one does finally suffer a fatal event, you will already have a supply of replacement parts for the other. The other advantage is that when you have two identical lathes, all of your custom made tools/jigs/steady rest etc. will be fully interchangeable with both lathes. Because you are working on production for shows, you will be more efficient with identical lathes. The reputation for the 46-460 is still good even with complaints of switches and parts availability. Just my 2 cents.

Rob Price
03-03-2012, 1:38 PM
I had thought about getting something like this: http://www.amazon.com/Rockler-Safety-Power-Tool-Switch/dp/B001DT13B2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1330799601&sr=8-1 (http://www.amazon.com/Kreg-PRS3100-Multi-Purpose-Router-Switch/dp/B002AKJ2FC/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1330799601&sr=8-3) so I could switch the lathe off with my knee anyways. Maybe it would save some wear and tear on the main switch too.

Brian Kent
03-03-2012, 1:46 PM
I want to thank all of you for getting the parts issues worked out before my 46-460 arrives next week! :eek:

Peter Lamb
03-03-2012, 1:46 PM
I believe Brian is bang on in his view. Lets see what happens next. It would be nice to see Black and Decker step up to the mark also!