View Full Version : SuperNOVA2 worth the extra cost?

Russ Massery
03-01-2012, 9:51 PM
Looking to buy a reconditioned chuck direct from Nova. Is the supernova2 worth the extra cost vs. the G3? Looks like a better chuck for $10.00 more.

Greg Just
03-01-2012, 10:01 PM
According to the Teknatool website, the Nova G3 chuck designed for the Mini, Midi and smaller lathes with up to 14" diameter swing while the SUPERNOVA2 CHUCK
is desinged for use on lathes with up to 20” swing. I have 2 SN2's and just recently purchased a reconditioned unit. It works just as well as the new one I purchased over 5 years ago.

Jim Sebring
03-01-2012, 11:29 PM
I have several of each. The adjustment range is exactly the same for either chuck. They both also accept all the same jaw sets, although the big Power Jaw set is not recommended for the G3. I have installed the smaller jaw sets (20-35mm) on the G3s. I've found the standard 50mm set is used the most, with (in my case) the Power Jaws in #2 position. The 35 and 45 mm spigot sets come in handy if you have a return job where the tenon has to be made too small to fit the 50mm jaws.

If you must choose between a SN2 or G3 because of budget issues, get the G3 with 50 mm jaws.

Sid Matheny
03-02-2012, 12:14 AM
Is the supernova2 worth the extra cost

Yeah without a dought!


George Heatherly
03-02-2012, 1:05 AM
I think the question depends on the intended use. I use the SuperNova2 with large jaws for large, heavy pieces. I have a G3 with small jaws that I use with smaller, lighter pieces. I hate to change jaws, so I have several chucks. I find the G3 great for making 1.5" x 2" birdhouse ornament bodies, I wouldn't use it for roughing out a wet 15" bowl blank. If I would only have one chuck I would have a SuperNova2.

John Keeton
03-02-2012, 6:48 AM
Russ, I have both, and would easily recommend the SN2 for the difference. Were I buying new, and had the Delta 46-460 still, I probably would not go the difference in new retail cost for the SN2. However, given the likelihood you will end up with a bigger lathe - get the SN2!

Paul Gallian
03-02-2012, 7:37 AM
Yes! the SN2 is the right way to go -- of course that is just my opinion and i am just an old man with set ways or some my wife tells me.

Kyle Iwamoto
03-02-2012, 1:31 PM
I have 2 each, although I don't think the price difference is only 10 bucks. I agree with all the others. If you have a midi/mini, the G3 is just fine. If you want to turn on a bigger lathe, get the SN2. OR both, and you can have standard G3 50 mm, and a 4 or 5" on the SN2. I do not like changing jaws either.

jared herbert
03-02-2012, 5:15 PM
Just got my second SN2 today. It was a reconditioned one for $100. Cant go wrong at that, it works just as good as the new one I bought several years ago. Jared

Kevin W Johnson
03-03-2012, 12:22 AM
I can't find where it say whats included with the reconditioned chucks. It tells that you need an adapter ($20), but theres no mention of included jaws.

The recon G3 just isn't a deal. You can get a new one w/adapter and jaw set for $125, free shipping. The recon unit is $89.99 + $12.49 shipping, adapter +$20 and your in for $122.48 and that doesn't include tax or shipping on the adapter, and it's iffy if you get a set of jaws with it.

John Keeton
03-03-2012, 6:49 AM
Kevin is right on getting the G3 as a reconditioned chuck - that was part of the reason for my post, but I should have clarified it the way Kevin has done. Thanks, Kevin, for clearing up that factor.

I do think the jaws come with all the reconditioned chucks, but having not bought one, perhaps some of you could confirm.

Richard Jones
03-03-2012, 7:07 AM
I've bought 3 of the recon SN2's, all come with 2" jaws, jaw screws, allen wrenches, chuck key, woodworm screw, etc. I certainly don't think you'll be disappointed with the SN2 and I would recommend that over the G3 if given the choice and you could stand the slight price difference.

FWIW, I can find absolutely no physical difference in the recon chucks vs a new one. Jaws, screws, etc., are all packaged exactly like the new ones and I have yet to see any type of use mark on either jaws or chuck. To me, it's a great deal.

Roger Wilson
03-03-2012, 8:52 AM
+1 on the SN2

Mike Peace
03-03-2012, 11:00 AM
I have a G3 and an SN2 I have been using for 5 years. All this talk about the great deal on refurbs have almost convinced me I need another one since I have several sets of jaws. I hear a loud wind! Is it another tornado? No, it is just the vortex pulling!

Russ Massery
03-03-2012, 4:30 PM
I bought the SN2 and it does come with the 50mm jaws. The G3 does not.

Denny Rice
03-20-2012, 4:31 AM
Where can u purchase the supernova 2 reconditioned?

John Keeton
03-20-2012, 5:31 AM
Denny, try this - http://www.novatoolsusa.com/RECONDITIONED-SuperNOVA2-Wood-Turning-Chuck-23055-R.htm

Allan Ferguson
03-20-2012, 10:44 AM
John's note has the link for the chucks. Bought the G 3 last fall and the 50 mm jaws ect. came with it, just like a new one would.

John Keeton
03-20-2012, 12:53 PM
I should have added that I, too, have purchased a reconditioned SN2, and could not discern any difference between it and a new one - packaging and all.

James Combs
03-20-2012, 8:03 PM
I have never ordered any of the refurbs but I will when I need another. I currently have an SN2 and 2 G3s. I too dislike changing jaws.

Jeff Luedloff
03-20-2012, 8:19 PM
Supernova2 all the way.

Scott Hackler
03-20-2012, 11:14 PM
I bought a new and a recon unit and frankly I can't any difference between the two of them (except for the yellow staining on the original from the BLO!)

You WILL need to order an adapter for either one to fit your lathe.

Jim Burr
04-06-2012, 5:02 PM
I have been trying in earnest to find a recon'd SN2...all the site says is "See our dealers". Any links to where I can actually get one? Just poped the mounts off my Barracuda and need to get a move on!

John Keeton
04-06-2012, 5:20 PM
Jim, I would imagine the recent activity in this thread has them temporarily out of stock. You might want to just keep checking the site daily.

Jim Burr
04-06-2012, 5:57 PM
Although not the answer I was looking for...your advise is taken sir...Happy Easter!

paul vechart
04-06-2012, 6:09 PM
I have a G3 and would consider getting a Nova2 recon as an extra chuck. Does the Nova2 work well on a Delta 46-460 or is it to heavy? My other question is...why are there so many reconditioned Nova chucks? Do people return them because of quality issues or are they rejected chucks at the factory and then reworked...and thoughts?



John Keeton
04-06-2012, 6:50 PM
Paul, as to the first question, the G3 is an excellent chuck for the Delta, and all you really need given the 12.5" swing. No info on the second question.

Allan Ferguson
04-06-2012, 9:24 PM
Site to find reconditioned chucks, novatoolsusa.com

Thomas Bennett
04-06-2012, 10:07 PM
Site to find reconditioned chucks, novatoolsusa.comNova seems to still be out of the reconditioned SuperNova2.Woodcraft has new ones on sale for $139.00....still a good deal for a fine chuck.

Larry Imbeau
04-06-2012, 11:47 PM
I too have both the G3 and a SN2. I prefer using the wrench supplied with the SN2.
I have more trouble getting the G3's wrench into its slots in the chuck so I can tighten/untighten the chuck.