View Full Version : Hickory Burl Platter

Dale Bright
02-29-2012, 10:04 PM
I have not posted a pic in quite some time but I have been reading the forum everyday. Since Thanksgivving, I have had 2 surgeries for a brain tumor and I will be having 2 months of Proton Beam Radiation Therapy starting in 2 weeks. The prognosis is excellent and the doctors expect a complete recovery. I have been able to do some turning and I have been taking some pics. I will try to get back into a more active roll in the Creek.

This tray is from a piece of Hickory Burl a friend gave me, last spring. It had a lot of inclusions and a lot of rot. I intended to rough turn it and return it to the lathe after drying. When I took it out of the chuck and started cleaning
the dust and some rot out, the tenon area simply fell apart. I decided to put into a large paper bag for drying for a few months.

This piece moved and warped a lot, as wet Hickory does, but I manged to jam chuck it for a little bottom clean up and then a lot of sanding, off the lathe. The finish is just Walnut Oil. Size: 13" X 10" X 3"

Comments and critique are most welcome and thanks for looking.


Steve Schlumpf
02-29-2012, 10:25 PM
Interesting piece! Lots of character, color, voids and I think this is the first time I have ever seen where you can use the pedestal as a bowl! Cool!!

Baxter Smith
02-29-2012, 10:29 PM
That is a one of a kind piece if I have ever seen one! Best wishes on a complete recovery!

Roger Chandler
02-29-2012, 10:39 PM
Wishing you well on a full recovery, Dale........glad you could do this piece......very unique wood!

Kathy Marshall
02-29-2012, 11:25 PM
Neat piece Dale! Nice job making it "reversable"! Good to hear your surgeries were a success and best wishes on a full and quick recovery!

Jim Burr
03-01-2012, 12:13 AM
Ha!!! I love the idea Dale! That took some planning and it sure came out well! Keep your head up and all hope is with you!

John Keeton
03-01-2012, 6:17 AM
Dale, you are one blessed individual! Glad the surgeries were successful, and even more so that your prognosis is positive. I hope your experience has strengthened your faith.

Excellent work on this piece - particularly after the challenging situation with the tenon. Sounds like it turned into a lot of work with the sanding. I have not had the opportunity to turn a hickory burl, but I bet after that thing was dry it was tough as nails!

Dale Bright
03-01-2012, 2:45 PM
Many thanks to all for the well wishes and the kind comments on the burl platter/ tray thing. I just remembered that I posted a some pics of the burl when first on the lathe, last spring. In the link below there are several progress pics of this piece.



Tim Rinehart
03-01-2012, 2:58 PM
Very nice piece Dale, got some great character in that one. Hope to see more of your work and truly best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery.

Josh Bowman
03-01-2012, 3:20 PM
Nice idea, like the holes in the wood.