View Full Version : Looking Glass

charlie knighton
02-27-2012, 4:49 PM
about 15 x 15


petroglyphs on multi-axis wallhanging

David E Keller
02-27-2012, 8:13 PM
I still can't get my head around these pieces, Charlie… I may be a bit too much of a 'concrete thinker' for abstract stuff like this.

Are you finding that there's a market for them?

Bernie Weishapl
02-27-2012, 9:15 PM
Nice piece Charlie.

charlie knighton
02-27-2012, 9:18 PM
I may be a bit too much of a 'concrete thinker' for abstract stuff like this. this one is more up to date than others in the series, in the Mojave desert in california and other neighboring states "they" are building 6 miles by 6 miles of mirors. these mirrors will be used to lasso energy, we need the energy, but there are tradoffs. they are trying not to kill turtles, but cannot save all the displaced turtles. when you see upside down crows feet that means war. the birds and turtles will go to war, have you ever parked a freshly washed car under a tree?

Are you finding that there's a market for them? i have two in Southern Virginia Artisan Center , been there 2 weeks, showed them at xmas craft show/sell, did not sell then but they could not give away all the free shrimp, we have like 18% unemployment and have had this unemployment for about 5 years. i did deliver 2 (these have never been shown) to the Hayloff Gallery in Jeffersonville Center in Floyd Va today. glad the roads were clear because that is one switchback after another. i think the show starts next week and goes til the end of April. i will enter 2 in Piedmont Arts spring Expression show and have not heard yet from Academy of Fine Arts in Lynchburg Va, notification will go out March 2. i am asking $225, if any one is interested, they compare with pen and ink in the galleries that i have seen, just that the painters/inkers are not rotating their work from 100 to 200 rpms. the artist in the Lynwood Artists seem to like it, course they seem to think a wooden bowl is a bowl, just as a plastic one is.

Looking Glass refers to indian name (from watching movies) for mirror.

Jerry Marcantel
02-27-2012, 9:46 PM
After the explanation, I like it.. Before then, I felt like Keller.... You did good, Charlie.... Jerry (in Tucson)

charlie knighton
02-27-2012, 9:49 PM
thanks David, Bernie, and Jerry

Michelle Rich
02-28-2012, 7:38 AM
I too have been having trouble understanding your pieces. thanks for the explanation of your vision.

Harvey Ghesser
02-28-2012, 7:45 AM
Very nice, Charlie.

charlie knighton
02-28-2012, 7:49 AM
thanks Michelle and Harvey