View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
02-27-2012, 10:36 AM
27 Feb 2012

Good Morning Everyone,
Just came off-call for the day job and I'm tired. Also pulled a muscle in my back yesterday afternoon by doing much of "nothing". Don't know why, just did. Ever have those times when you are rather quickly reminded that you are getting older? :)

The LOML is getting the spring bug because the temps here have been more spring-like. That normally means a longer honey-do list for me, but so far, she's been gracious and not added anything more to my list.

For sure...no woodworking for me this past weekend....so what did YOU do?

Best of weeks to you all.

JohnT Fitzgerald
02-27-2012, 10:40 AM
Hey Dennis - hope the pulled muscle doesn't nag you too much. I know what you mean about Father Time's "reminders"....

I spent some time with the boys on their Pinewood Derby cars, but spent most of my shop time cleaning and sharpening a new set of chisels. That coating they put on sure is tough stuff.

Andrew Pitonyak
02-27-2012, 1:37 PM
Also pulled a muscle in my back yesterday afternoon by doing much of "nothing". Don't know why, just did. Ever have those times when you are rather quickly reminded that you are getting older? :)

Sounds like how I ripped muscles in my calf recently.... All I did was lean into my car to pull up a seat.

Repaired a broken board in the base of a bunk bed (the piece that acts as the box spring). I also bought a Festool Kapex saw with the matching table. Figured I needed something to cut the miters while I replace the rotting wood trim around my garage door.

David Hostetler
02-27-2012, 2:43 PM
Spent some time on the lathe messing up the end plugs for my wide drum sander project's drum... But got some practice in using the new to me drill chuck. I must admit I usually don't order items through HF online, and was starting to get annoyed when by Saturday afternoon, 8 days after I ordered it, it still didn't show it had shipped. Well it showed up about 10 minutes after I sent a complaint email to Harbor Freight customer service... And I was actually shocked at how well made this thing is. Now the taper shaft on it is quite long, but not too long. The machining on this couldn't possibly be any better. Operating is smooth and easy, everything locks down as it should. I used a 5/8 SpeedBor Max augering bit to clear out the 5/8" through bore for the shaft in my end plug, no problem. Only to realize the second plug needed it too, and I couldn't get the plug rechucked so that it ran true... Oh well, time to start another...

I spent plenty of quality time with the weed eater abusing the grass overgrowth from the bayou that is encroaching on my fence. I think I need to get out on the other side of the fence soon to clip down that grass since the city won't seem to do it... I bet they'd sick the EPA on me if I sprayed roundup on it... so I won't, but it IS tempting... The problem is tall grass means places for rodents to hide from predators, which means rats and mice closer to the house, which means our cats trying to leap through the windows to get to them etc... I want those rodents to have to cross a gauntlet of certain death courtesy of the hawks in open short grasses before they get to my fence...

I spent more time working on fixing / marking Christmas tree lights to be fixed. This is a project my lovely bride came up with that I just don't want to do... I wish we could just pitch these dumb things and buy new ones...

Matt Meiser
02-27-2012, 2:52 PM
There was a weekend? Wouldn't know--today's my 8th straight day on site starting up a new system for a customer to replace one I helped put in 10 years ago. Things are going well though so hopefully I'll get a nice loooonggg weekend next weekend.

Jerome Hanby
02-27-2012, 3:29 PM
Got my cabinet lift completed up to the point that I needed the bolt for mounting the pulley and some short bolts to mount the winch. Was early Sunday evening by that time and I was ready to quit anyway. The traveling part of the lift is moving very well up and down the mast, even better than when I tested it previously. Maybe the added weight of the shelf part is making the rollers track better. Probably would have finished it, but took the middle part of the day to take my daughter to the zoo.

Jim Becker
02-28-2012, 8:58 PM
It was a very horsie weekend with lessons on Saturday and a show on Sunday. But I did mange to get the hardware installed on my latest tack trunk commission so I'm ready to move on to whatever the next project will be. :)

Shawn Pixley
02-28-2012, 10:20 PM
Did taxes on Saturday. Then stickered lumber that I purchased online to let it aclimate due to change in climate. Then prepared for performance reviews that I deliver to my staff this week.