View Full Version : Just when you thought you coudn't slide any farther down....

Chris Griggs
02-27-2012, 10:21 AM
Just when I thought I couldn't become any more obsessed with handtools, I stepped into my office this morning and found myself looking at my tape dispenser thinking "man, that looks like a great design for a hand plane. Lovely rounded over back, nice up swept horn on the front.... etc...." Planes on the brain.... Help me, I have problem!

Zach Dillinger
02-27-2012, 10:57 AM
I've thought the same things many times... They've got you in a stranglehold now. No choice but to dive in even further.

Chris Griggs
02-27-2012, 11:02 AM
Perhaps I will model my next plane making attempt after this rather than a coffin smoother.

Thing is, I've been using nothing but handtools for over 2 of the 3 or so years I've been woodworking. I thought I was as far down as I could go. Then guys like you, Leigh, George, and Dave had to come along at get me interested in making my own tools - it's whole other slope entirely, one which I will ride down joyously:)

Jim Matthews
02-27-2012, 11:07 AM
Five bucks says one of the Lee Valley boffins picks up the idea for their upcoming April flyer...

Rob Lee
02-27-2012, 11:15 AM
Five bucks says one of the Lee Valley boffins picks up the idea for their upcoming April flyer...


We already have a better one....


Cheers -


Rob Lee
02-27-2012, 11:20 AM
...'sides, we got us sumthin' else coming in April.... :) :)

Chris Griggs
02-27-2012, 11:21 AM
...'sides, we got us sumthin' else coming in April.... :) :)

Hint please????

Rob Lee
02-27-2012, 11:22 AM
Hint please????


*early* April..... :)

Chris Griggs
02-27-2012, 11:26 AM

*early* April..... :)

Thanks for the clarification... :rolleyes:

My tape dispenser hand plane will be way cooler anyway ;)

Joey Chavez
02-27-2012, 11:34 AM
Rob, do you just want my credit card now? I've got a good/bad feeling, oh I don't know, just send it.

Rob Lee
02-27-2012, 11:36 AM
Rob, do you just want my credit card now? I've got a good/bad feeling, oh I don't know, just send it.

Before you commit Joey, check back early April..... like... as early as possible in April....nudge,nudge, wink,wink...


Joey Chavez
02-27-2012, 11:41 AM
I won't miss it, I'm on the site everyday managing my wish list. As much fun to plan a purchase as it is to use them when they arrive. Just received the large router plane a couple days ago, a tool I was a little skeptical about how much use I would give it. After a few test runs the imagination soared, very nice tool!

Chris Griggs
02-27-2012, 11:43 AM
Just received the large router plane a couple days ago, a tool I was a little skeptical about how much use I would give it. After a few test runs the imagination soared, very nice tool!

One my favorites! Use it all the time. Its one of those tools that the longer you own it the more uses you find for it.

Joey Chavez
02-27-2012, 11:50 AM
Yes, I was amazed at just a few lazy test cuts, I'm sold.

Although I do recall a past April fools joke coming from the LV site, that may be the wink and nudge. I've been waiting for the Plow plane enhancements that were hinted in the past.

Rob Lee
02-27-2012, 11:56 AM
Yes, I was amazed at just a few lazy test cuts, I'm sold.

Although I do recall a past April fools joke coming from the LV site, that may be the wink and nudge. I've been waiting for the Plow plane enhancements that were hinted in the past.

No wink and nudge on the plow enhancements... in production now, and will be available about the end of April.

Cheers -


Jonas Baker
02-27-2012, 1:23 PM
Is that a wink and a nudge on some powdered metalurgy offerings? Or am I being too specific.

Rob Lee
02-27-2012, 1:32 PM
Is that a wink and a nudge on some powdered metalurgy offerings? Or am I being too specific.

Jonas -

Searching our website for "AFD" will reveal all....

Cheers -


Ron Bontz
02-27-2012, 3:07 PM
It's bad enough those veritas tools are laid out for children to play with at the wood working shows. Now I have three dove tail saws. 13,14, & 15ppi. New chisels coming out and now a carrot in the works. Agh.:eek:

Tony Shea
02-27-2012, 4:37 PM
Is that a wink and a nudge on some powdered metalurgy offerings? Or am I being too specific.

What day is the absolute soonest day in the Month of April? And what does LV always throw out there for our humor?

My question is, do you actually produce these tools to have ready for AFD? They look too real in the pictures in actual use. Which is why every time I read one I think they're for real until I click the dumb*** link.

Jim Matthews
02-27-2012, 5:38 PM
It is my contention that Canadians are the funniest English-speaking people on the planet.

Just run down a list of Hollywood's biggest box-office hits. It was inevitable that once successful foisting Ice dancing as an Olympic sport, further shenanigans would follow.
I about wet myself over the multi-tool dovetail jig attached to an open car window. You lot are demented, and as a Canadiens fan, I mean that in the best way possible.

I mean, Poutine (http://www.montrealpoutine.com/) and Celine Dion both came from North of the 49th parallel - what's next?

Rob Lee
02-27-2012, 5:57 PM
What day is the absolute soonest day in the Month of April? And what does LV always throw out there for our humor?

My question is, do you actually produce these tools to have ready for AFD? They look too real in the pictures in actual use. Which is why every time I read one I think they're for real until I click the dumb*** link.

Tony -

Our rules are:

1) It has to be credible
2) We have to make the tool (at least one).
3) The tool has to do what we say it does, in the manner in which we present it.

All of the tools exist, and we do not use CGI or photoshop....

More often than not, the annual AFD tool has something to do with an area we're actively engaged in at that time.

Each tool is a valid R&D project.... and we usually have a few queued up...

Cheers -


Jim Neeley
02-27-2012, 8:10 PM
Hey Rob,

I was wondering about that, after I saw the Dodeca-gauge.. and the Dual Marking Gauge. <g>


Leigh Betsch
02-27-2012, 11:26 PM
I wonder if the coffin smoother was actually modeled after a 16th century tape dispenser.
Chris there is no help just give in, resistance is futile.

David Posey
02-27-2012, 11:32 PM
I hope none of the saw painters ever find this thread. They'll start buying up coffin smoothers and flood Etsy with "antique chic" tape dispensers.

Leigh Betsch
02-27-2012, 11:37 PM
You know I work for one of the greatest tape manufactures in the world (seriously) and now I'm getting pictures in my head. I'm gonna see coffin soothers all over the plant, by the thousands, I'm gonna need a shrink.....

Matthew Hills
02-27-2012, 11:42 PM
Our rules are:

1) It has to be credible
2) We have to make the tool (at least one).
3) The tool has to do what we say it does, in the manner in which we present it.

So what's the longest one's taken to prepare?


Chris Griggs
02-28-2012, 7:22 AM
I wonder if the coffin smoother was actually modeled after a 16th century tape dispenser

I don't know, I think the tape dispenser looks more continental.

You know I work for one of the greatest tape manufactures in the world (seriously) and now I'm getting pictures in my head. I'm gonna see coffin soothers all over the plant, by the thousands, I'm gonna need a shrink.....

The only solution is for you to make an actual smoother shaped like one -no doubt you'll get around to it before I do.

Rob Lee
02-28-2012, 10:37 AM
So what's the longest one's taken to prepare?


Matt -

We usually start discussion in Dec/January...and have at least a prototype by end Feb. We have a fully functional one now... :). Much depends on what sort of manufacturing we have to do. This year, there's a new process involved... so some learning curve there.

Cheers -


Dave Anderson NH
02-28-2012, 12:26 PM
Not that Rob Lee needs anybody to verify what he says, but I have held the Dodeca Gage in my hands. Rob loaned it to our NH Guild several years ago for display at a joinery symposium. It does work, but that thing is heavy, I mean really heavy. I don't remember the weight, but it must be about 10 pounds and it takes 2 hands to handle it, let alone use it. That said, it is a fully functional tool and if you can get past the size and weight, and your board is securely clamped (very securely) it works just like their single stem marking gage.