View Full Version : Music stand

kevin nee
02-27-2012, 9:38 AM
Hello, I am planning on starting a music stand
today or tomorrow. Does anyone have any nice
plans or a site where I could get some. I am also
interested in any ( rules of thumb ) applying to
music stands. Height, width, legs,or ajustment
etc. Thanks in advance, Kevin

Larry Temins
02-27-2012, 10:24 AM

The November 2011 issue of Furniture and Cabinet Making (a British magazine) has an article on a music stand. Doesn't include dimensions but does have an exploded view plus construction description.


Bobby O'Neal
02-27-2012, 1:33 PM
Look at Christian Becksvoort's site. Some awesome music stands that he makes. Won't help you with dimensions but great design inspiration.

Roger Feeley
02-27-2012, 6:45 PM
If your customer is a clarinet or oboe player, build them a little shelf underneath for all the crap those guys carry around. I played in college and the high reeds keep little wood shops on their music stands. Your utility shelf should include a sort of little cup holder for the bottle of water to keep reeds in.

Roger Feeley
02-27-2012, 6:50 PM
I got to thinking some more.

If your customer is a tympani player, a book holder might be nice. they spend a lot of time just counting measures, waiting to play.
If your customer is a flautist, some sort of rack to hold the flute. I've seen a lot of flutes on music stands.
If your customer plays French Horn, they will need a rag to wipe up the spit. Horn players seem to produce a lot and it winds up on the floor.
If your customer sits in front of the Trombones, they will also need a spit rag. But it's not for their spit.
If your customer is low brass, a place to keep beer would be appreciated.