View Full Version : a couple of gloats..

Russell Eaton
02-24-2012, 7:29 AM
I ordered a captive system from Randy a little while back. This is what showed up yesterday. I have yet to put it together and give it a test. I will this weekend. I was looking at the Monster wesite and found that thye no longer offer this system. Not sure why but I could not find it. I did call to let them know it got delivered and Randy answered the phone. Thant was a good sound to hear. The second pic is of the clearing for my new shop. It will be 30'x60' with a 10' porch running the full 60' length. It will have a 30'x40' dedicated turning area. I have some pecan cracking equipment for the other 20' area. Comments are welcome. Russell

Richard Jones
02-24-2012, 8:09 AM

Both top notch gloats, for sure.

Your pecan cracking equipment: does that use some type of gas?


Russell Eaton
02-24-2012, 8:13 AM
Rich it is all electric. It does create a lot of red dust, so I am putting a wall between the two areas. For November, and December and most of January we run 6 days a week and 9+ hours a day. It is seasonal but the money is good. It will pay for the shop in 2-3 years.

Richard Jones
02-24-2012, 8:26 AM
Years ago my dad, who bought, buttered, salted, and gave away pecans to his friends, stopped into the Georgia "factory" where he had dealt, by phone, for years and years. The two little old ladies oohed and ahhed over him, then gave him a tour, where he saw how the gas was used to hull the nuts, a la a tiny drill bit and some type of enclosure. I'd love to see it first hand.

Richard Jones
02-24-2012, 8:27 AM
And I love pecan to turn, such a lovely wood, but not too much of it comes available up here.

Steve Busey
02-24-2012, 8:43 AM
Good gloats, Russell. According to the Monster website, he's stopped taking orders for the captive system due to high demand and limited shop resources. Looks like you got yours just in time!

Tim Rinehart
02-24-2012, 9:05 AM
Fine looking system, and glad you were able to squeak in on availability. Look forward to seeing how your shop goes...geez, that's the real gloat in this thread for me. I'd love to expand behind my shop even half that amount.

Bernie Weishapl
02-24-2012, 9:06 AM
Great gloat Russell. You will like it. Going to be a nice shop.

Jim Burr
02-24-2012, 10:17 AM
Going to be a sweet shop Russell! We did almonds for years...dirty, noisy, dusty work...I do not miss driving a shaker.

Harvey Ghesser
02-24-2012, 10:56 AM
You're gonna have a lot of fun!

Bill Wyko
02-24-2012, 11:12 AM
WOW! I wish I could walk out backto a shop that big. Congratulations on both. I just have a little 12x20 at home. I do have a 50x50 at work though but it's nice to just walk out back and start turning. Keep us updated with pictures of the shop build too please.

Dan Forman
02-24-2012, 1:41 PM
Dang, a shop with a porch! How cool is that. Enjoy the new hollowing system.


charlie knighton
02-24-2012, 7:38 PM
enjoy Russel, good gloat

John Keeton
02-24-2012, 8:42 PM
It will have a 30'x40' dedicated turning area.Now, that right there is enough to cause a feller to be a bit jealous!!!:D

Russell, that is a beautiful setting for the shop, and you are due a double CONGRATS! I had been thinking about going ahead and getting the captured parts for my Monster rig - guess I will need to wait a while.

Robert Henrickson
02-25-2012, 7:41 AM
It will have a 30'x40' dedicated turning area.
That's about the footprint of my house!

Baxter Smith
02-25-2012, 9:01 AM
Congrats on the Monster but there is now way it is big enough for a lathe that requires a 30 x 40 turning area!;):)

Steve Schlumpf
02-25-2012, 11:31 AM
Russell - congrats on your new Monster system! You are going to love it!

Looking forward to seeing photos of your new turning shop... once it is completed!

Steve Kubien
02-25-2012, 11:46 AM
The hollowing rig is nice but the shop-to-be is highly drool-worthy. I wonder how long it would take me to totally crap up a shop that big? I'm guess a month and I may be selling myself short.