View Full Version : Joe Moxon comes for a visit...and leaves a vise!

Dale Coons
02-23-2012, 7:04 PM
A while back I was looking for suggestions for a way to clamp boards in the absence of a bench--several suggested a moxon vise, and it turned out to be just the ticket for working on the end of my table saw in a crowded garage 'shop'.

I wound up using the kit from Benchcrated--a quality kit. It was a good solution for me, at a reasonable price. Here's a few pics along the way--apologies in advance--this isn't a completely neander build, but I don't have enough 'tail-free' tools yet. I started with about 9 feet of 8/4 maple, which I planed down to the suggested 7/4. I'll be making a little table to fit behind it that will be even with the top of the back chop with what I didn't use for the vise.

What's in the box: everything you need except for glue, including little 'Benchcrafted' buttons for the handles and a nice piece of suede. Just add wood!


After planing the wood, lay out the lines for the holes. There's a nice set of directions with a little history of the vise included for download on the Benchcrafted site. After marking the centerlines on both chops, I laid out the holes--the front chop has elongated holes so the vise can rack a little to grip odd shaped items.

I decided I wanted hexagonal holes instead square ones (although in hindsight, round holes would have been just fine!), so laid out the hexagons with a compass, and drilled the center hole.


Continued in next post...

Dale Coons
02-23-2012, 7:14 PM
Then I started the holes with chisels--it would be difficult to chisel this small area as deep as the hole needs to be (just shy of an inch), so I went down enough for a bearing to ride the rim and used a router. Cleaned up the corners with a chisel. Everything fits..

The holes in the front chop are elongated--drill the center, then a little to each side, then square up the top and bottom.


At this point, the sharp edges were eased, the clamping block was cut and everything came inside for glue-up and a couple of coats of wipe-on poly. Then the suede was glued on the front chop and trimmed out. The acme rod was installed, and then back out to the garage where it got a test clamp on the saw--ready for work! The handwheels are sweet--a little push and the spin easlily in and out. The suede adds a lot of gripping power. I'm looking forward to making a few hand-cut dovetails!


Michael Peet
02-23-2012, 10:04 PM
Nice, Dale. Makes me want to build one!


Eric McCune
02-23-2012, 11:36 PM
Jameel has designed amazing products with Benchcrafted. Everything he does is first-class. His blog has become a must read for me.

I'm building a bench from his plans and his attention to detail is just amazing.

Glad to hear that his Moxon vise lives up to his reputation. Thanks for sharing.

Dale Coons
02-24-2012, 8:09 AM

I'm jealous! I'd love to build a bench, but a few more kids and their trappings (bikes, balls, bats...) have to leave first, so there is room and time for one!

Eric McCune
02-24-2012, 7:11 PM
I have built 2 sheds and planning a 3rd to keep all that stuff out of my shop (former garage). Dedicated shop space is heaven on earth.