View Full Version : The Real Winner...

David DeCristoforo
02-23-2012, 6:16 PM
OK.... I lied about the fruitcake. The pictures were fake. I know everyone was holding their breath waiting to see the world's first "fruitcake amphora" and I feel ashamed that I built up everyone's hopes and expectations. But hey... forget about that. Here's what was really in that box:


Mike had previously asked me about sizes. I was thinking that with the right figure and orientation, this stuff would make some interesting "amphora" forms. So Mike cut these pieces with that in mind.

This is very 'green" wood and I'm not sure exactly how to use it for the forms I have in mind but some DNA is probably going to play a part. I might try one with the wet wood and see what happens when it dries out. I am especially eyeing that domed top piece.....

Thanx hugely Mike. These are some really nice chunks of wood.

John Keeton
02-23-2012, 7:52 PM
Never fooled me - I knew all along!;) I have seen 6 year old fruitcake - and it didn't look anything near your pic!:eek:

David, I bet you could turn that end grain, take it down to 1/4", bag it in the chuck for a week or so - opening the bag every day for a few minutes, and finish it without a problem.

Gene Hintze
02-23-2012, 7:56 PM
I love fruitcake! My wonderful Mother, who is an incredibly young 83, makes me two different varieties of fruitcake every year for Christmas. They are the highlight of my holiday season! I actually have a bit of one left. I'm thinking bottle stopper! What say you?

David DeCristoforo
02-23-2012, 8:40 PM
"...take it down to 1/4", bag it in the chuck for a week or so - opening the bag every day for a few minutes..."

Sounds like a great plan. I don't think I could wait for this to dry before having at it.

Dan Forman
02-23-2012, 9:29 PM
Dang, and I thought I had guessed it. Can't wait to see what you make out that.


Mike Cruz
02-23-2012, 11:07 PM
Wait a minute...how many pieces were in that box?

David, I know you will do them justice or blow them up trying. Best of luck with them!

Dan Hintz
02-24-2012, 6:47 AM
How are you going to turn a rag? Won't it fall out of the chuck?

I really hate to see so much packing material for just a few rags... people are destroying our forests just to send a few pieces of cloth.

David DeCristoforo
02-24-2012, 12:57 PM
"How are you going to turn a rag?"

I have sent the rags off to Andy DiPetro who is going to invest them in acrylic for me.

Rick Markham
02-24-2012, 1:16 PM
I just "regift" any fruitcakes that I receive... you should do the same... Send it too me... (Keep your acrylic rag though)

Mike Cruz
02-24-2012, 3:04 PM
For anyone interested in those "rags"... They are bags from 50lb bags of shelled corn that we feed the deer.

Rick Markham
02-24-2012, 8:29 PM
For anyone interested in those "rags"... They are bags from 50lb bags of shelled corn that we feed the deer.

But do I get to eat the corn too?

Mike Cruz
02-25-2012, 1:16 AM
Kinda dry, might break all your teeth, but yeah, I guess if you want to...:rolleyes:

Kathy Marshall
02-25-2012, 1:27 AM
That's some great looking packing material!
Soooooo.... are you done with the 1st piece yet? We're waitingggggggggg.