View Full Version : Some Maple HF's, Oak HF and Walnut HF reshot.

Josh Bowman
02-23-2012, 3:12 PM
I've been a little slow in bringing out the camera, so after I got things set up, I decided to shoot several and post them.
Maple HF from a failed coring.

Maple HF

Oak HF

Walnut HF reshot

David DeCristoforo
02-23-2012, 3:16 PM
Nice pieces, Josh. I like the form on the walnut one a lot but i think my favorite would have to be the maple one with the "hard edge".

John Keeton
02-23-2012, 7:49 PM
Nice selection, Josh, but that "oak" piece sure looks a lot like sycamore with the lacy look to the grain.

Harvey Ghesser
02-23-2012, 8:23 PM
Nice work, Josh. You've been busy! I like the second row maple HFs the best.
I'm more of a traditionalist.

Allan Ferguson
02-23-2012, 8:41 PM
Like the shape of the Oak hf.

Josh Bowman
02-23-2012, 8:49 PM
You know John, I think you're right.:o I get most of my wood from friends and they call a lot of it Oak, and without leaves, it's hard to know until you really look at it. The only thing was the bark was not smooth, but rough like Oak. What ever it is, it's got nice grain. Wish my photography would do it justice, the grain is kind of iridescent.

Nice selection, Josh, but that "oak" piece sure looks a lot like sycamore with the lacy look to the grain.

Bernie Weishapl
02-23-2012, 8:54 PM
Josh those are really nice. I really like the first and the last one.

John Keeton
02-23-2012, 9:48 PM
Josh, rough bark doesn't sound like sycamore, but the wood sure looks like it.

Baxter Smith
02-23-2012, 10:37 PM
Nice work Josh. The oak/sycamore is very pretty. Try and include a profile shot next time. Without them, any thoughts on form is mostly guess work for me.