View Full Version : Looking for comparison on grades of carbide cutters

Jim Underwood
02-22-2012, 9:18 AM
Ok.. ok... I get it. I'll start my own thread...

After reading a recent article on carbide cutters in the AAW Journal, I've been curious if any of you have used standard machine grade insert cutters and compared them to the nano-grain carbide insert cutters made specifically for woodturning?

I'd love to hear your comments on this subject. Are the nano-grain cutters as good as advertised? Are they that much better than the standard steel cutting inserts?

Hey.. found the article in question on Lyle Jamieson's website (https://www.lylejamieson.com/instruction-classes/documents/CarbideCutters_HR.pdf). Hope it's ok to post the link here (it's quite educational).

Lloyd Keniston
02-22-2012, 7:47 PM
Jim, Thank you for this info.. Very helpful....