View Full Version : Christmas??? February?

Doug Herzberg
02-21-2012, 11:48 PM
Our turning club is paying the rent by giving the landlord a bunch of Christmas ornaments - one from each member, due April 1. I guess the idea is the landlord will sell the ornaments and apply the $ to the rent.


Black walnut and birch, about 1-3/4" at the "eaves" by 5-1/4". Just blond shellac so far. I broke off the fish hook I was using for an eye trying to straighten it. Any suggestions? Thanks for looking.

John Keeton
02-22-2012, 6:33 AM
That style sure has a unique look!! Very nice, Doug. No help on the fishhook, except to say most all of them are made from spring type steel and don't lend themselves to bending too well. But, then, you know that already!!;)

Russell Eaton
02-22-2012, 6:51 AM
Doug nice birdhouse. The last one I did that the hook broke in went flying across the room at a high rate of speed. I never even went to look for it. No help on a fix here.

Steve Schlumpf
02-22-2012, 7:35 AM
I have used some very small eye bolts and they have worked just fine! Cool looking ornament!

Steve bellinger
02-22-2012, 7:36 AM
Doug nice looking ornament. As far as the fish hook i just take a pair of side cutters and cut them off where it starts to bend, no need to straighten. Then just exposy them in.

Steve Busey
02-22-2012, 8:56 AM
Nice oriental screen look to that birdhouse style! As for the hook, I get some kinda wire thingy with a loop on the end from Michael's jewelry aisle. Much more flexible than a fish hook.

Baxter Smith
02-22-2012, 8:56 AM
Interesting design. It reminded me of a pagoda at first. With a little imagination, that would open up lots of possibilities!