View Full Version : Another segmented vessel. For my 14th anniversary.

Bill Wyko
02-21-2012, 3:45 PM
The LOML asked for something with orange in it. Personally I think this one is a little bright, but she likes it and that's what matters. It's made of Walnut, Padauk and Maple. |The Padauk should tone down over time though. It has about 625 pieces. Please enjoy.

Harvey Ghesser
02-21-2012, 4:22 PM
It's really a beauty, Bill. Takes a lot of skill and talent to do segmented piece like that.

Doug W Swanson
02-21-2012, 5:40 PM
Looks great, Bill. And as long as your wife is happy, that's what counts!

Robert McGowen
02-21-2012, 5:48 PM
Looks great, Bill. And as long as your wife is happy, that's what counts!

I am with Doug on this one!

Jim Burr
02-21-2012, 5:49 PM
Bam!! I love Paduk...the long grain and color...makes my day:D...and this does too!! Next time, make your sweetie something out of one color and put an orange in it!;)

Jerry Wright
02-21-2012, 5:52 PM
Very nice Bill! A little sunlight and the padauk will head toward brown. Your joinery and form is very impressive. I am sure, if you practice, you can at least finish the inside bottom with one of your new skews!!

Roger Chandler
02-21-2012, 6:20 PM
Top shelf, Bill.........great joints and pretty feature ring as well.

Mike Tilley
02-21-2012, 7:39 PM
Very nice Bill and have a great anniversary!

Wally Dickerman
02-21-2012, 9:01 PM
That's a good one Bill...I believe I saw that one?

14th? I'm dealing with kids here. Our 70th is coming up this summer...party time!!

Bernie Weishapl
02-21-2012, 9:10 PM
Beautiful piece Bill. If she likes it then that is all that matters.

jerry downey
02-21-2012, 10:46 PM
Great work Bill. I would like to know what you use to design your work?

Scott Hackler
02-21-2012, 11:27 PM
Nice work Bill. How did you control sanding bleed from the Padauk to the Maple?

Bill Wyko
02-22-2012, 3:00 AM
You all are too kind, thanks very much.
To stop the bleeding I sand down to 320 grit and always sand from the maple towards the padauk. At 320 I use shellac as a sanding sealer then sand to 400 & 600 grit, again sanding towards the Padauk.
As far as design goes, this particular pattern is a derivative of a Ray Allen piece. As for ring diameters, I multiply the radius by 3.14 then divide by the number of segments.
i.e. a radius of 6, x3.14=18.84. 18.84 divided by 8 segments=2.35" length of each segment to the long point of the segment. For an 8 segment ring the angle of the miter would be 22.5.

John Keeton
02-22-2012, 6:38 AM
Bill, that is another great one! I have used Padauk only once, but still have a few pieces in the wood inventory. Mine turned a deep red over time - should look very nice with what you have.

I wonder what this one would have looked like with the accent ring just a bit higher?

Russell Eaton
02-22-2012, 6:45 AM
Bill it looks like you are putting those new tools to GOOD use. I like to look at segmented pieces but do not have the tools to do them with. Great job and happy anniversary.

Steve Schlumpf
02-22-2012, 7:39 AM
Beautiful work Bill! Excellent joinery! What are the dimension of the piece?

Steve Busey
02-22-2012, 8:46 AM
I like to look at segmented pieces but do not have the tools to do them with. Russell, I guess you'll just have to go out and get more tools, now that you're gonna have all that new shop space to fill up. Bill, great looking work as always - you do the Ray Allen style proud!

Baxter Smith
02-22-2012, 8:52 AM
Nice work! Congrats on the anniversary!