View Full Version : Flag case for Dad's flag

Matt Ranum
02-21-2012, 2:09 PM
First off I want to thank Ed Sallee for his help and inspiration in my rendition of his flag case design.

I put this off for a long time, not quite knowing why but my conscience finally got the better of me and well, here it is. Dad was always a fan of quarter sawn White Oak so thats what I used. He liked simple things, not a fan of glitz or flash so that was the direction I took in laying this out. Just tried to keep it simple and clean cut lines.

I seemed however, like it was missing the personal touch of something, but wasn't sure what. The idea of etching the glass in the lower display area came to mind. Dad was always proud of his time spent in the Air Force, and since the flag is representing his service to our country I thought why not take it a little further. After some digging I was able to find the logo/emblem of his squadron and included it in the piece, the 74th Interceptor Squadron. After seeing the end result I'm very glad I did that, seems to really tell a story. The nice part is this is something that will be handed down to grandkids and great grandkids and maybe he won't be just a name but they can look at this and get a sense of who the man was.


Mike Svoma
02-21-2012, 2:41 PM
Nicely done, Matt, a great remembrance of your father.

frank shic
02-21-2012, 3:54 PM
nice job! 80 years old, eh? what a legacy :)

Matt Ranum
02-21-2012, 4:00 PM
And married 55 years when he passed. Thanks for the kinds words.

Dave Wagner
02-21-2012, 6:32 PM
I did one for my dads flag for my mom, he was 82 (she is 82 now and still going!) I put small base on the bottom of the case that extended out on both sides and put 4 of the shells on each side (from the 21 gun salute).

Bill Bukovec
02-21-2012, 8:26 PM
Great piece Matt!

Can you share some of the dimensions?
I know a few people who have a flag of a family member, but not a good way to display it.


Former central Wisconsin resident.

Matt Ranum
02-21-2012, 8:45 PM
One thing I was careful of was to measure the flag and build the case around it. I didn't want to refold the flag, its just the way it was handed to my mother. And I don't like the look of a flag thats to small for the opening. With that, the outside of the upper case is 18 1/2" square. The center divider is loose in the case so we could re position it for whatever corner we decided to put the flag in. The base is 4" high in the back, and 1" in front of the vertical frame it drops to 3" in the very front. If I remember correctly it equaled a 12* angle.

The base is 11 1/2" front to back. The door on the lower case is 1/2" thick, and a standard mitred corner then with a splice ripped into it for reinforcement. I struggled with the front edge of the door. Leave it long and overhang the front or make it flush. I decided to make it flush and go for that clean line look, but then the corners of the door angle back and make the mitre look off. If I did it again I may make it different. Maybe with an inset door that wouldn't show the edge as much.

Craig Michael
02-21-2012, 9:12 PM
Very nice design and excellent execution. I really am not a fan of oak but I like Qtr sawn oak. The flecks give it that little flare without taking away from the main display.

Gordon Eyre
02-21-2012, 9:17 PM
Very fine tribute to your dad.

John L Sanford
02-22-2012, 12:29 PM
This looks nice.

Gene Waara
02-22-2012, 12:42 PM
Unique, and very nice. I'm sure he would be very proud of your effort.

John Gregory
02-23-2012, 11:27 AM
Very nicely done. A great tribute to your dad. We appreciate his service in the military.

Matt Ranum
02-23-2012, 4:23 PM
Thanks for the kind words guys. Much appreciated.

Ken Fitzgerald
02-23-2012, 5:22 PM
Very nicely done Matt!