View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
02-20-2012, 11:23 AM
20 Feb 2012

Good Morning...well, it's almost lunch time now.
Got an early start this morning with a trip to the dentist to put a crown on a broken tooth. Nothing like spending $1k on a broken tooth.!!!

Worked some at the day job this weekend and I went oncall as of this morning.

Went a bought a 1995 Honda VT1100 Shadow for my 17 y/o son who happens to love riding motorcycle with dad. I really love doing things with my boys as well as with my daughter & SIL. I am truly blessed with a wonderful family.

I'm giving consideration to buying a used scrollsaw sometime soon. I keep coming up with things I need one for and the family tell me that they would use it from time to time as well, because it's a safer tool to use. Maybe we'll find out sometime this year, if all goes well.

Well, that's it for me....so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Jerome Hanby
02-20-2012, 11:51 AM
Worked on my cabinet lift. Got the sliding part working. Still have to get the table part and some bracing added, but it does slide up and down the mast. Got the mast mounted into the base and the outriggers for the casters cut and drilled. Tore apart the $10 furniture dolly I bought at HF because it was cheaper than buying four casters...about half as much! Still have to mount the pulley and add hook up the rigging but it's pretty close to finished.

Also got tired of wedging my k-body clamps into a holder I originally built for f-clamps. Also, needed more f-clamp storage. So, I extended the original original version from about a foot wide to about 18' and widened the slots to 1/2" and built two holders, each able to hold 6 k-body clamps. I have 6 each of the 24" and 40" so that worked well. After I mounted them (on my pegboard wall) it leaves me enough space to add a third holder for a half dozen 12" clamps if I ever find a good deal on some.

Dave Aronson
02-20-2012, 2:30 PM
Ran my first marathon! prior to that, I finished the cabinets for the built-in cabinets for my wife's sewing room.

Matt Meiser
02-20-2012, 8:00 PM
Ran my first marathon! prior to that, I finished the cabinets for the built-in cabinets for my wife's sewing room.

That's it??? What did you do the rest of the weekend? :D

I took Friday afternoon off to have lunch with LOML, hit the steel supplier, pick up my drill press and a couple other errands. Lots of driving and I ended up spending the vast majority of it on the phone with people from work--a PM for a project I'm on, my boss, and the owner/president. I assembled my new drill press and got all the pieces cut and holes drilled for a mini lathe stand I'm building from steel tube. Also hit Woodcraft for pen making tools/supplies and ordered what was out of stock/forgotten from Hartville.

David Hostetler
02-20-2012, 9:11 PM
Spent plenty of quality time in the shop prepping the blanks for turning the end caps for the PVC drum for my wide drum sander project. Also got 25 feet of Attic Foil installed over the shop...

Shawn Pixley
02-20-2012, 9:53 PM
Spent most of the weekend recovering from jet lag. The balance was spent prepping for a presentation today. But, I did track down the balance of lumber for my next project. Whoo-Hoo! It gets delivered on Friday.

Jim Becker
02-23-2012, 8:09 PM
I finished up (literally "finished") my latest tack trunk commission in the shop on Sunday and just have to fit the hardware when I have a free moment. Also had my normal day at the barn and riding lesson on Saturday.

Van Huskey
02-23-2012, 10:39 PM
Mardi Gras here so nothing accomplished except a bunch of free plastic beads... and a headache.