View Full Version : Beaded Camphor H/F A La Wally Dickerman

02-19-2012, 7:51 PM
A piece by Wally Dickerman called Beaded Madrone and Ebony really caught my eye on the AAW website a few months ago. His turnings are always so innovative, tasteful, and to me, inspirational since they invariably invoke the response "I wish I could do that." So here's a lame attempt to move in his direction with an 11 1/2" beaded camphor hollowed form with a stained finial, no finish, just buffed. Beads, coves and spindle turning are something I had overlooked in learning how to turn. After four pens and six bowls I took an advanced class in hollowed forms that was way over my head. Seeing Wally's beautiful turnings using beads made me want to fill the learning gap. Thanks Wally, you're an inspiration. (BTW - did a Google search and saw a Wally Dickerman who was in the U.S. Navy and the picture was so old I couldn't tell if it was the same person)

Wally Dickerman
02-19-2012, 9:27 PM
Bill, thanks for using one of my pieces as an inspiration. And you've done a great job of it. A beautiful piece. I like your use of beads around the rim.

I've turned a bit camphor. When I do, my shop smells like the stuff my mother used to rub on my chest when I had a cold as a kid.

A photo of me when I was in the Navy would have been taken a long time ago... 1942 -1945 during WW2. Matter of fact, A guy is writing a book about the ship I was on for a couple of years during WW2. A DD destroyer. I recently filled out a questionaire from him about my experiences aboard it.

Bernie Weishapl
02-19-2012, 9:37 PM
Bill that is a really nice piece. I like the beading and form. I love the finial.

Baxter Smith
02-19-2012, 11:06 PM
Nice work Bill. Very distinctive and very pretty wood! You picked a good one for inspiration!

Kathy Marshall
02-19-2012, 11:38 PM
Very nice Bill! Great looking wood and the beading looks great too.

Bill Wyko
02-20-2012, 12:46 AM
Great beading work and beautiful form. I picked up a beading tool on my recent trip, You've inspired me to take it for a test drive asap. Just wonderful, thanks for posting.

John Keeton
02-20-2012, 6:28 AM
Bill, you achieved a very classy look with this one! I have never turned camphor, but apparently it is a dream to turn. It obviously takes detailing very well, too.

Michelle Rich
02-20-2012, 6:37 AM
yep, wally has made some terrific pieces & using him for inspiration was smart on your part!!! very engaging piece

Faust M. Ruggiero
02-20-2012, 8:02 AM
You couldn't pick a better person to emulate. Wally's turnings always make sense to me. He doesn't stray far afield with shape, he just does an amazing job of balancing shape with adornment and lots of experience with technique. Nice job with the hollow form. Nice finial, too. Well suited to the vessel size.

charlie knighton
02-20-2012, 2:19 PM
very nice.....

Tim Rinehart
02-20-2012, 3:43 PM
That's a very nicely done piece and beautifully finished. Obviously...you paid off WD for a sneak peak into his custom beading tools only occassionally made open to view by the public.:cool:

Sean Hughto
02-20-2012, 4:05 PM
Gorgeous! Nice size too.