View Full Version : Spindle work yuck

Harry Robinette
02-18-2012, 9:17 PM
Heres the holder I made up to do some spindle work. It actually works really good I was very surprised cause I don't do spindle work but maybe once a year.
224198 224196224197

Steve Vaughan
02-18-2012, 9:22 PM
Looks like you did very well with it. Having that spindle up there sure helps with what you're working on. I don't mind spindle work, it's just that repetitive thing I hate doing.

Bernie Weishapl
02-18-2012, 9:52 PM
Looking good Harry. I have several spindles for a antique chair a friend wants me to turn. Don't like doing them but the money is good for these small projects.

Baxter Smith
02-18-2012, 11:01 PM
Nice job on the turning part Harry. Do you have to match the finish too?

Mark Hubl
02-18-2012, 11:07 PM
Nice work Harry. I like doing spindle work every now and again. It takes more discipline and is good exercise for the skills. I know pens and stoppers and finials are spindle work, but they are still free form. Doing matching pieces is really rewarding when you get them done!

Dick Mahany
02-18-2012, 11:17 PM
Nice work. I freely admit that I originally bought the lathe for spindle work to augment my cabinet making. I QUICKLY discovered the vortex for shapes and forms boxes, platters and more, and have rarely returned to spindles. On the other hand, if it weren't for spindle turning, I may never had discovered what all of you guys have known all along !! Life often presents twists and turns, luckily.

Harry Robinette
02-19-2012, 1:12 AM
Steve,Bernie,Mark-The work is OK it just all the calipers and measuring.It does help to hone the skills and we all could probably use some honing
but, Still YUCK!!!
Baxter-No I told my buddy that I'd do the turning but he had to finish them,He said OK when he was told what having them turned
would cost.We been friends sense I was 10 and he was 12 so no charge for these.
Dick- Theres allot of turners that bought their lathe to turn table legs and have fallen into the VORTEX. Some never even finished their

Michelle Rich
02-19-2012, 7:48 AM
get good at something & all of a sudden you forget you disliked it! very good

Primvs Aebvtivs
02-19-2012, 5:05 PM
I've got (picked up from a "skip trip") 4 pine legs for a dining table... Been meaning to tidy them up on the lathe, and perhaps sand them smooth... Not got back to them since I started on pots and bowls... oops!