View Full Version : Another Tip w/Pics for Russell's book...

Wally Dickerman
02-18-2012, 3:33 PM
I posted this tip about a year ago but I'll do it again because I think that it's a good one for Russell's book.

When turning a HF out of soft or even punky wood, A chuck or even a faceplate with long screws just won't do the job.

Using the faceplate I'll use, I mark off where each screw hole will be. Using a V-block on my drill press, I drill a 1/2 inch hole at each mark, an inch or so into the blank about 1/4 inch from the end. I cut 1/2 inch dowels and glue them into the holes.

I can now install the faceplate using 1 inch screws. The screws go into sidegrain hardwood dowels making a very secure holding.

Dick Mahany
02-18-2012, 4:07 PM
Now that's downright clever! Never would have thought of that technique. Thanks for sharing

jared herbert
02-18-2012, 5:20 PM
a genius!!!!!!!!! I have some soft birch that is very nicely spalted I am going to attempt real soon and this looks like the ticket. 90 plus years experience pays off

Russell Neyman
02-18-2012, 6:28 PM
A really intelligent, well-engineered idea that solves the issue of fragile wood that is beautiful but not chuck-able. (Is that a word? It is now!) And if you plan it carefully, you can make the plugs decorative enough that you could leave them in and turn them down to the base wood.

Baxter Smith
02-18-2012, 11:13 PM
I remember when you posted that one Wally...but had forgotten it.....and I'm not even close to 90. Thats not a good sign.;):)

Mark Hubl
02-18-2012, 11:14 PM
Nice one Wally.

Rick Markham
02-19-2012, 12:14 AM
Wally that's super clever. I don't like to admit it but when something is "too punky" I always break the tenon and it ends up in my scrap wood can. (shhhhhh... it's a secret) Maybe now I will be able to finish a spalted piece instead of getting frustrated and moving on to less moldy wood :)

Harvey Ghesser
02-19-2012, 9:57 AM
very clever!

Bernie Weishapl
02-19-2012, 10:02 AM
Thanks for sharing again Wally. I saved it this time.

Bill Wyko
02-19-2012, 11:14 AM
More of Wally's words of wisdom. Wally you're a great guy with some wonderful tips. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

Tim Boger
02-19-2012, 11:20 AM
Yep .... that 'll work.

That alone is worth the price of admission!

Thanks Wally.

Russell Neyman
02-19-2012, 11:31 AM
This trick can be used with other types of construction. For example, if you're building a cabinet and need to screw into end grain or plywood, where the threads have little chance of holding for very long, this Wally-esque method of plugging a Forstner hole with hardwood (cut with a matching plug-cutter, or course) really improves your chances of keeping the joint togther.

I'm building a teardrop trailer right now, and keeping it lightweight is essential. Using this technique to attach the roof to the plywood sides had saved a tremendous about of weight.