View Full Version : Ever have one of those days where

Gary Herrmann
03-20-2005, 5:33 PM
it seems that just about everything that can be out of square is? One of those days where you start checking things and then wonder if you're checking it or even seeing it right? ARGH.

Enough for today. Take a shower, make dinner for my son, watch a movie with him. <Maybe wish I was playing tennis with the wife so I could at least be whacking the snot out of the ball.>

'Course its hard to stay upset too long when your 4 year old comes downstairs singing the I'm the Map song (Dora the Explorer song for all you uncool people) into the phone for Gramma.

Oh well. I'll figure out whats off, correct it somehow and move on. Or not. Maybe have a mahogany bonfire :mad:. The bookcase will be a skosh thinner than planned. Not a huge deal in the scheme of things, but sometimes...

everett lowell
03-20-2005, 6:02 PM
Oh Gary,I"ve more of those days then I care to talk about!:rolleyes: Sometimes I think about selling my tools and talking up knitting! I like the way you keep things in perspective though,thats really cool.It will all look betta tomorrow right?!:)

Richard Wolf
03-20-2005, 8:59 PM
You know, its the journey not the destination. Nobody ever said this stuff was esay. I've had days at work when someone asked if they could make a cut on my miter saw, set the saw to 1 degree, cut, said thanks and left. I spend the rest of the day wondering why nothing fit very well!!


Jack Hogoboom
03-20-2005, 9:04 PM

Every day for me. That's why you're unlikely to ever see a picture of one of my projects. I am a work in progress.


Mark Singer
03-20-2005, 9:38 PM
We have all had them! If your not having fun...just stop! If you don't you can injure yourself. I think most of us are woodworkers for the fun of it....if things are off and your not having fun....don't torture yourself.

Jeff Sudmeier
03-21-2005, 8:07 AM
Stopping was the best thing you could have done! I have been known to chuck a piece out into the driveway or yard and pack it in for the day. The next day I see it out there and want to go fix it! Course this time of year I can't do that cause of all the snow!

Ken Fitzgerald
03-21-2005, 9:06 AM
As Jeff said stopping in probably the best thing you could have done! Often at work or in the shop....when presented with a REAL problem, walking away even if just for a few minutes results in a solution or at least removes you from a position that is only going to get worse!

Keith Christopher
03-21-2005, 11:40 AM
I know this all too well believe me ! just search by posts and see where my double stick tape let me down and finding my maple headboard went out of square. My worst had to be when I was building a cupboard for my dad, I glued up the bottom fixed shelf in the dado. clamped it and came out next morning and remove the clamps then to my suprise 1 side of the cabinet was about 1" off the bench. yep that pine board twisted like mad overnight. little sawing and some chiseling a piece of edged plywood took care of it.

03-21-2005, 3:00 PM
Nope, never had one of those days. Thanks for putting the map song into my head though.

(with land in Fla to sell)

Tyler Howell
03-21-2005, 3:16 PM
Problem is I haven't gone back to the project since January.:o

Wes Bischel
03-21-2005, 7:52 PM
"I'm the Map, I'm the Map, I'm the Map, I'm the Map, I'M THE MAP!!" :D :D

Today was a Dora marathon - though we only watched two - That's our limit - OK my limit - I have to keep at least a small part of my sanity! :eek:

Gary, I hope your next stint in the shop goes better.
