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View Full Version : Do you have a woodworking magazine collection?

Kevin Gregoire
02-16-2012, 5:08 PM
Do you have a woodworking magazine collection? if so, which ones?

my collection


Shop Notes


Woodworkers Journal
American Woodworker
Popular Woodworking
Family Handyman
Scollsaw Woodworking & Crafts
Wood (extra copies)
Shop Notes (extra copies)

Neil Brooks
02-16-2012, 5:43 PM
Oh, just a big ol' pile of them ... that LOML wishes I'd throw away ;-)

All sorts. Also bought quite a few years of FWW, off CraigsList, a while back. Those are in the garage, though ;)

Joe Angrisani
02-16-2012, 5:59 PM
Just Fine Woodworking. Issue #1 through #225.

Jeff Monson
02-16-2012, 6:01 PM
Just Fine Woodworking. Issue #1 through #225.

I'm a Fine Woodworking fan also, I have a monthly subscription + the collection on cd.

Thomas Hotchkin
02-16-2012, 6:49 PM
+1 what Joe said. Tom

Scott Kuykendall
02-17-2012, 8:39 AM
Complete set of Wood Magazine and Today's Woodworker.

Steve Bishop
02-17-2012, 9:36 AM
I had a collection of
Shop Notes
Popular Woodworking
Fine Woodworking
and a bunch of single issues from other.

Gave the magazines to a local new woodworker, but kept the Fine Woodworking special issues.


Mike Wilkins
02-17-2012, 10:23 AM
Large collection of FWW, FineHomebuilding, Woodwork, Woodcraft, PWW. I also have a smattering of AWW, Wood, and WWJ. I have been going through the collection for the past few weeks and culling what I just don't want anymore. I give them to a friend, so they are not immediately going to the landfill.

Jerome Hanby
02-17-2012, 10:58 AM
I've got several going

Wood: quite a few, current subscription, digital back issues, no plans to fill in missing hard copy issues
Shopnotes: quite a few, current subscription, pdfs of back issues, currently working to fill in all hard copy issues I'm missing
Woodsmith: quite a few, current subscription, pdfs of back issues, currently working to fill in all hard copy issues I'm missing
FWW: few from here and there mostly special issues, DVD of back issues, no plans to ever subscribe to or fill in missing hard copies
PWW: few from here and there, DVD of back issues, looking at subscribing (sent in a special 2 year offer a day late, so we'll see), no plans to fill in missing hard copies
Woodworkers Journal: few from here and there, current subscription, no digital copies, might look into digital back issue, no plane to fill in missing hard copy back issues
American Woodworker: few from here and there, current subscription, no digital copies, might look into digital back issue, no plane to fill in missing hard copy back issues
Woodcraft: all issues since I started subscribing a year or so ago. i might look inot getting the issues I'm missing.

Have a few other odds an ends. Have a few issues of some magazine called Woodwork. I've seen a digital collection with the same name, if I can verify that it's the same magazine, I'll probably look into getting that.

I don't know if there is any direct benefit from having access to all of these, but sometimes I need some downtime to let my mind simmer over some problem or another and flipping through these can help. Plus it's nice to have the issues on hand when you finally run across the need for some jig or piece of shop furniture (especially one you see a post of someone else completing and using).

Jerome Hanby
02-17-2012, 11:00 AM
Complete set of Wood Magazine and Today's Woodworker.

Never heard of Today's Woodworker. Is it still published Is (was) it any good? Worth hunting down?

Troy Turner
02-17-2012, 12:29 PM
Couple years worth of WOOD and Woodsmith. Let my WOOD sub lapse, but started the Woodsmith backup.

Seems I'm missing something though, alot of ya'll have FWW. Hmmmm

Scott Kuykendall
02-18-2012, 10:04 AM
I think it was a great magazine, it was published by Rockler Press which I belive is the same company as the Rockler we have today. I know Rockler used to sell the back issues when they still had them. There are only 57 issues the last one was May / June 1998. the newer issues had full size template / patterns that made it nice. They started out with no ads but as they grew they started getting more advertiser.They had a good range of articles from small to large which included turning projects.

Kevin Gregoire
03-03-2012, 12:57 PM
anyone else?

Ted Baca
03-03-2012, 5:33 PM
Yes and I am kicking myself now that the digital age is here. But have a continuing collection from issue#1 on
Fine Woodworking

Wood from issue #42
American Woodworker, Popular Wood Working, and Workbench are many issues but incomplete. As a side note I have found some really nice corrigated plastic storage boxes at bagsunlimited.com that make storage and filing much more organized.

Someday my hopes are to use my library as a reference for many many mental projects.

Ray Newman
03-03-2012, 6:43 PM
Have a complete set of Woodsmith and Shopnotes, along with numbers 89 to date of Fine Woodworking.

I subscribe to numerous other woodworking magazines and keep them in a pile. When I moved about 10 years ago, I had a 4' high pile of magazines.

Now I still retain them, but after about 5-6 months I cull the pile. If anything is of interest, I tear it out and place it in an expanding according file. I make a copy of the article and put in the magazine, which along with the other complete copies I send to an out-of-state fellow woodworker. And what he does not want, he puts in his office waiting area.

Every few years, I cull the articles in the expanding file.