View Full Version : What can I do with this wood? Creative thinking needed.

Doug Herzberg
02-15-2012, 1:46 PM
I have six of these oblong end grain slabs of black walnut. My dad had some trees milled over 20 years ago and I'm guessing these were a branch that the sawyer slabbed off in order to get to the trunk. They range in thickness from 4/4 up to about 8/4.


I tried turning one into a natural edge platter, but I'm not really pleased with the result. 15 x 17 x 5/8, about 1/8 thick. If I were to try again, I would turn the rim down, but I don't think that would fix it. I could just make round platters, but that seems like a waste.

Any of you creative/artistic types out there have any ideas? I'm not into the "put some legs on it and call it a coffee table" solution, but I think it's pretty wood and I'd like to do something with it.

Michelle Rich
02-15-2012, 1:49 PM
the wood is spectacular ..I think a clockmaker would swoon over these ..nothing wrong with shallow platters..do you carve? if so, what gorgeous wood for that

Bob Bergstrom
02-15-2012, 1:54 PM
Turn some coves and large beads in the surface, rip them into strips and glue them back off setting each piece and make a wall hanging. You could just turn them and hang them on the wall also if the grain is the purpose. I think it would be hard to miss either way. Of course all would love to own a platter made from this wood.

Primvs Aebvtivs
02-16-2012, 3:00 PM
I'm with Bob on the "Of course all would love to own a platter made from this wood.", I know I would! Lovely platter you've done, perhaps make a set?

Jim Burr
02-16-2012, 4:03 PM
Holy cow Doug! I'd be clamoring for a handful of pen blanks and maybe some stopper stock!

David E Keller
02-16-2012, 5:33 PM
I've done some lidded boxes from 8/4 pieces of figured maple by 'reverse book matching'... Cut a piece in two then 'fold' one piece over the other creating a 16/4 piece. One piece forms the lid and the other the base. A small strip of contrasting wood(maple in your case) could be used to separate the two pieces visually. It's beautiful wood!