View Full Version : moisture meter selection - need sagely advice

carl zietz
02-13-2012, 6:37 PM
Last year I scored a half pallet of 1X6 White Oak that was left over (never used) from a bridge job where they were used as temporary shims. So I put them in stickered dry storage and when the time is right will turn them into project wood. The problem is, that I have never messed with a moisture meter, in the past all my project wood has come from reputible dealers and been kiln dried. What would you gentlemen / ladies suggest for a moisture meter and sources for same?

Also, what reading I have seen suggests waiting until it hits 6% to start planing & working with it, is this correct?


Carl Zietz

John Coloccia
02-13-2012, 6:45 PM
Unless you have a kiln or live in the dessert, you won't ever actually see 6%. For air drying, I would personally recommend just timing it and then testing it using the weighing method. A meter that actually reads precisely is going to cost you hundreds of dollars and would really just be a waste.

I have a meter in my shop because it's really critical that my wood be stable, at least during a build...I also bring in lots of wood from what are essentially Canadian and Alaskan rain forests, so much of what I get really is pretty green and needs a good bit of drying to be usable. For just one load of oak, I'd sticker it, let it go for however long, and then just confirm it's reached EMC by weighing...and done.