View Full Version : Link to molding plane sharpening "how to"?

Jim Neeley
02-13-2012, 1:43 AM
I've been thinking more and more about molding planes. Can (and will :) ) anyone give me a link to a site detailing this?

Initially at least, I'm interested in hollows, rounds and beading planes. I say initially 'cuz I suspect this slope is even slipperier than the last! <g>

Bill Haumann
02-13-2012, 5:29 AM
No link, but Larry Williams DVD "Sharpening Profiled Hand Tools" is truly superb and well worth it's price (I think $25).

Steve Branam
02-13-2012, 6:24 AM
+1 on the DVD. And I'll just grease the slope for you and mention that he also has an excellent "Making Traditional Side Escapement Planes" DVD, both available from Lie-Nielsen. Plus, they also sell the iron blanks.

Jim Matthews
02-13-2012, 7:12 AM
I just attended a class using Matt Bickford's molding planes. They're simple, but require great care in handling.
Without a fence, or stop installed they're very flexible in use but unforgiving of mishandling.

It's impressive what can be made with two pairs of H&R with a good rabbet plane.

I highly recommend taking a class, first. You may have a different conviction about their utility after a weekend session.

Mark Dorman
02-13-2012, 8:02 AM
Tons of links http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?139219-Every-thing-that-you-ever-wanted-to-know-about-molding-planes-but-were-afraid-to-ask!

Richard Francis
02-13-2012, 8:24 AM
Read Matt Bickford's blog (Musings from Big Pink) end to end, you will get most of what you need; and then try to visit a LN Open day when he is there. Go without your wallet.

Jim Neeley
02-13-2012, 2:08 PM
Go without your wallet.

LOL.. The really, really ironic thing for me is that by the time I'd spend the $1,000 or so to fly from Anchorage to a LN open day, I'd have to buy a *whole* lot of tools to amortize the travel. :eek:

Wait... Is there a down side here? ;) :D