View Full Version : Stupid mistake and a broken bandsaw blade.

John Shuk
03-19-2005, 8:34 PM
Well I had a little oopsie today. I was cutting a piece of an Osage Orange branch that I have on my 16" bandsaw and had a small mishap. Since the piece was still in the round I decided to attach a scrap of pine with a screw to support it and have a stable flat face to go on the table. I went to cut and decided that I wanted to shorten up the piece a bit first so I went to do a quick crosscut. Well since the board was mounted lengthwise and I was going crosswise the blade caught on a knot I guess and the piece rolled and the blade broke. It happened in the blink of an eye. I was fine I got hit in the hand with the log which was about 3 1/2 inches in diameter and it stung for a few minutes but that was it. It was amazing to see the force generated on the blade. It was partially shoved up into the upper corners of the upper wheel housing and had 2 permanent kinks. It just reinforces to me that it only takes a second to have a mishap. I can't call it an accident because I should have thought it through a little better. Even though I wasn't hit in the face I am glad I had my safety glasses on. Next time I'll make an L shaped sled which probably would have helped here. I just wanted to share this with everyone. I hope you all take a few extra seconds to think about safe work methods. I know I will. And it was a brand new Timberwolf blade too!

Jim Becker
03-19-2005, 8:52 PM
John, sorry to hear about your blade going "twang", but in retrospect, that's better than it biting your hand. Round stock can be nasty and any extra support you can give is a good idea...the L-shape is a nice idea and you could even make a useful sled with clamps that can be used over and over again for taking care of the ends.

Bruce Shiverdecker
03-19-2005, 9:16 PM
Glad it wasn't worse for you and your hand.


Jeff Sudmeier
03-20-2005, 7:16 AM
John, Sorry to hear about your blade and glad to hear you are okay. I have only ever broken a blade on my little 9 inch saw, I can't imagine what a 16 would do when it broke.

John Shuk
03-20-2005, 8:01 PM
My wife gave me a few minutes then meekly asked if I was OK from the top of the stairs.