View Full Version : Eucalyptus burl

Bob Rotche
02-12-2012, 9:20 PM
Some of you may have seen this before as I've posted a couple in progress pics with problems along the way. Well, its finally finished. Eucalyptus burl with ebonized walnut lid and African blackwood finial. About 9x3". Antique oil and beall buff finish. I'm trying to get away from the more typical forms so may not appeal to everyone. Honest C+C always appreciated.


John Beaver
02-12-2012, 9:31 PM
Bob, I really like it. The design and work is excellent. Different forms are fine as long as they are still good forms, and yours is. The proportions and curves are very appealing and you've highlighted the wood nicely.

Bernie Weishapl
02-12-2012, 9:42 PM
I really like it to. Really a pleasing form and love the lid.

Baxter Smith
02-12-2012, 9:46 PM
Nice form, nice color combo, and the lid is cool! I would say well done Bob!

Roger Chandler
02-12-2012, 9:50 PM
Very nice Bob.

charlie knighton
02-12-2012, 9:59 PM
very nice, Bob.....even if you left the painters tape out

Jon McElwain
02-12-2012, 10:14 PM
Bob, I like that form! The sharp edge is distinctive and it is in just the right place. Is that hemp chord you used in the finial? Did you apply any finish, oil, etc. to the chord? Also, how did you attach the blackwood and chord finial to the rest of the lid?

Dan Forman
02-13-2012, 4:15 AM
I like it a lot! Nice to see something a little different.


John Keeton
02-13-2012, 7:08 AM
Bob, I think you made some good choices on this one (including losing the blue tape!:D) I agree with John Beaver in that the proportions are good, placement of your transitions is appropriate, and the underside of the knob/finial mirrors the curve of the topside of the form - excellent!

Michelle Rich
02-13-2012, 8:29 AM
I think I commented on another forum, but this piece can stand 2 comments!! the lid/finial is eye-catching & I luv the "wrap" ..

Tim Rinehart
02-13-2012, 9:13 AM
Like Michelle said...and as I did on WoW...this is a really wonderful piece. Your design decisions paid off, there's lots to draw the eye in without being distracting, and the cord wrap is a cool touch. The clean lines and hard edge in the base works so well for this and shows off the beautiful burl.
I like it alot!

Harvey Ghesser
02-13-2012, 9:44 AM
A real beauty, Bob..

Bob Rotche
02-13-2012, 9:10 PM
Thank you all for taking the time to comment. This is part of my attempt to try things that are a bit different from what is usually seen in the turning world. In trying to move in a new direction, one can end up somewhere exciting and new or one can flounder, lost at sea. I don't mind taking some chances as it is just wood and it actually does grow on trees! Overall, I am pleased with this piece though I have never and probably will never finish a piece where I can't identify some areas for improvement. If you are interested in reading a more thorough critique, check out Woodturners America site where they've just started a new forum designed for no holds barred, honest critique. This was the 2nd piece put up for deconstruction (Keith Burns had the first). It is really a great concept for those who want to take their work up a notch and don't get their feelings hurt easily. Check it out!

Jon, it is hemp cord and wrapped like one would whip the end of a rope so it doesn't fray. I didn't plan on putting a finish on the hemp but I did put a few drops of CA glue on the ends of the hemp to keep it from unraveling which then wicked over to the visible portion so I was forced to then coat the whole hemp area which worked out fine. The wrapped finial is then epoxied to the lid.

Bill Wyko
02-13-2012, 9:19 PM
bob, i was thinking the same thing john said.Your form is excellent and the lid really is a show stopper. well done my friend.

Rob Price
02-13-2012, 9:45 PM
The sharp edge almost looks like the grain is flowing over like a waterfall, esp on the right hand part of the picture. Very cool.

Jon McElwain
02-14-2012, 2:04 AM
Jon, it is hemp cord and wrapped like one would whip the end of a rope so it doesn't fray. I didn't plan on putting a finish on the hemp but I did put a few drops of CA glue on the ends of the hemp to keep it from unraveling which then wicked over to the visible portion so I was forced to then coat the whole hemp area which worked out fine. The wrapped finial is then epoxied to the lid.

I have had the same experience - that is why I asked about coating the whole chord. I tried to put a drop of thin CA on some hemp chord and it soaked a LOT further than I had anticipated. In the end, the CA gave it a good look and a very durable finish.