View Full Version : Norm's plans

04-26-2003, 7:11 AM
Has anyone ever purchased any plans from the NYW? And if so were they easy to follow? Did you get the video with the plans? Was the pricey plans worth the money compared to the other stuff out there. Nosey little thing aren't I. TIA again, Doug

Terry Quiram
04-26-2003, 8:41 AM

Bought the router table plans, then bought the new and improved router table plans. Haven't built either one. Its on the list. Plans are straight forward and easy to read. Everything is reduced in size. The video is essentially the same show that you see on TV. Check the library for Norm's books to see if the plans you want are in one of those.


Jim Young
04-26-2003, 8:45 AM
I have a couple of Norm's plans. They are very similar to the type of plans you see in magazines except on one sheet. Also included is the bill of material. I haven't build either of them, so can't attest to their accuracy.

David Perkins
04-26-2003, 10:10 AM
I have built several items from his plans in the last 12 years. They are best plans for people between the entry level and intermediate skills. The materials list is great along with what hardware works the best. And if the project needs to be changed for your situation most of his plans accomadate. The only plan I felt could have been improved on was the adrondac chairs. The back slats were not eye pleasing with the plans length. I do recomend getting the plans book of his you can find it in most book stores.
David Perkins :)

Daniel Rabinovitz
04-26-2003, 10:35 AM
I agree with Dave Perkins.
I have built his Cupola, Router table (old), Clamp rack, Planters bench.
Excellent Plans.
No, I have not purchased the videos because I tape the programs. The videos are NOT programs with additional information that was not televised - they are the 23 minute program.

Jim Becker
04-26-2003, 11:06 AM
I have a number of the plans and have build some projects to-date. (Adirondack Chairs, Jewelery box, some jigs) Speaking of jigs, the plans from the double-episode dealing with workshop jigs from a couple of years ago is a great value for any shop.

One thing to keep in mind about these plans and many others that are available to you...they are only guides. You still need to carefully measure and consider what you are doing. There are always things that are not in print. But you're the woodworker, so that shouldn't present a problem!

David Ripley
04-26-2003, 7:34 PM
I have four of them, and built two, well almost two, not quite done
with the router table. I did`nt purchase the videos because I have all the shows on tape already. I find them easy to follow and straight forward. Like Terry said, check the library for his books and see if what you want are in them. If you purchase the
plans you will also get a decal of his logo with The New Yankee Wortkshop Menber on it, wich is cool if you like thing like that.They
also sent me a booklet titled "The New Yankee Collection" it has all his projects in it. David

Carl Eyman
04-26-2003, 9:26 PM
I have built at least 5 of his projects all from his measured drawings. I would not have attempted any of them withour the drawings. I believe they are much more essential than the video. For instance, the pencil post bed required a fixture to create the octaganal bed posts. I can't imagine trying them without the drawing

Likewise the 8 drawer chest on chest required some moldings that I couldn't have done without drawings.

The floor mirror required a fixture to create the arched mirror frame. Again I'd have been lost without it.

My humble opinion