View Full Version : Need best way to affix hardiboard to brick

Cliff Newton
03-19-2005, 3:28 PM
I'm hanging new hardiboard on my house and have run across a problem area. I need to hang some trim on a bricked area. Is there some sort of adhesive available at my local borg that will do the job and hold up as long as the trim?

Ray Bersch
03-19-2005, 4:33 PM
I am assuming that by hardiboard trim you are referring to the fiber cement types of trim rather than the polyurethane molded trims. Franklin or Titebond heavy duty construction adhesives are excellent for this purpose, with some caveats. Both remain somewhat flexible, therefore, heavy veritcal tirm or long horrizontal trim could sag after awhile. Your trim may conform to surface irregularities of the brick and look wavy over long runs. Also, the brick surface must be strong and clean - no glue can stick to poor surfaces.

Having said that, I would recommend you to anchor a nailer over the brick using a combination of masonry nails and glue. Shim low areas, shave high areas. That gives you better control over the finish trim and should provide a better looking finish. A photo would better define your problem area, I would be happy to take a look to offer other suggestions if you can post one.

I would also suggest that you call the glue manufacturer help line and ask for technical assistance. (Titebond Help line 800-347-4583) I do this often and have with great success.

Per Swenson
03-19-2005, 4:43 PM
Pl polyurethane adhesive.

Its not a bad idea to glue and nail a backer
to the brick as has already been noted
I have used this product extensively, never
had a call back.

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="501"> <tbody><tr height="18"><td height="18" width="279"> PL Premium is a polyurethane adhesive that provides superior results and is safer to use. PL Premium generates three times the power of traditional construction adhesives. It may be used inside or outside and will last as long as the surfaces it joins together.

• 3 times stronger than ordinary adhesives
• Water and weatherproof
• Bonds to wood, metal, stone, concrete, masonry, bricks
• 100% Polyurethane
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View Testimonial (http://www.stickwithpl.com/products/detail.asp?PLProductID=14#)

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Ray Bersch
03-19-2005, 8:25 PM
I have used several of the PL products, including the PL400 & PL500 - always found the products to be very good. Have never used the PL Poly, but I would tend to believe it would be a superior product just as Per mentions - so I'll cast a vote for the PL Poly.

Jim Andrew
03-21-2005, 8:22 AM
I have used PL premium to fasten backsplashes, and it is very good. Need
just a little. Clamped overnight it really stays in place. Never tried to glue
a board over brick. Jim

Robert Mayer
03-21-2005, 8:46 AM
if you dont mind drilling holes in the brick you can use tapcons.