View Full Version : woodpeckers plungelift is AWESOME!!

Tim Morton
03-19-2005, 10:49 AM
Took me a awhile to decide if it would be worth the money before seeing it. But I bought one for my birthday this year in it arrived last night. Just put it on my Hitachi and it is SWEEEEEEEEET. I would highly recommend it to anyone thinking about using a router under a table. My only question to those using it concerns the springs. I had them out for my last router plate and assembling the plunglift, the instructions say not to remove them, but the up/down seems perfectly smooth and not to hard without the springs. Would i gain anything by adding the springs back? I will include a picture once i get the carcass to the table built this weekend. Thanks to all those who recommended this to me. :D

Russ Massery
03-19-2005, 10:54 AM
Tim, I have the same unit, I spoke with the rep. from woodpeckers at the woodworking show last year he said that I could remove and won't make any difference but it might move down a little easier. I havn't done it as of yet but it's good to know that it works ok. What router are you using?

Tim Morton
03-19-2005, 12:40 PM
I have the hitachi and even without the springs and had i not read the part about "not" removing them, I would say the mechanism works perfect without the springs. Moving it "up' is about 25% harder than mvoing it down as would be expected with the weight of the router. Now is it "harder' for your router to move "down"?

Russ Massery
03-19-2005, 3:16 PM
I have the M12V also yeah it's harder to move down I think because I'm working against the springs but all in all it works great. I love the fine adjustments you can make with it. Did you get the offset wrench with it? and did you cut the ears off the bottom of the router yet if not I recommend both. As long as you plan on leaving the router in the table. Here's a link to an article on converting it for table use : http://www.woodshopdemos.comm/cmt-jr6.htm (http://www.woodshopdemos.comm/cmt-jr6htm)

Jim Becker
03-19-2005, 3:24 PM
Tim, I don't believe that you actually have the PlungLift in your shop...no visual evidence... :D (But I'm glad you like that phantom tool at any rate...)

Tim Marks
03-19-2005, 5:26 PM
IHere's a link to an article on converting it for table use : http://www.woodshopdemos.comm/cmt-jr6htm
This link works better:

Ken Gartin
03-19-2005, 8:34 PM
I have the same setup and have removed my M12V's springs. It couldn't be easier and makes operation a TON smoother.

In regards to Woodpecker's recommending that you NOT remove the springs, they're probably just covering their butts. I can imagine the following scenario (based on a fictitious really stupid person):

1) someone removing the springs to use with the woodpecker lift
2) forgetting they removed the springs
3) removing the router from the table to use freehand
4) setting up a cut (or not in this case) and releasing the lever to plunge and route
5) router drops all the way to the workpiece, skids off the table and onto the guys left big toe rounding it over.
6) Guy sues Woodpecker's for no warning not to remove springs.

Also, removing the springs voids the warranty from Hitachi. But, since putting the springs back in is EXTREMELY simple and leaves no evidence that they were ever removed, how would they know?

03-19-2005, 10:41 PM
I've been using it without springs for a couple years. Never actually tried it with the springs, but don't really see a need.

It is a nice setup.


Tim Morton
03-20-2005, 9:16 AM
Tim, I don't believe that you actually have the PlungLift in your shop...no visual evidence... (But I'm glad you like that phantom tool at any rate...)

I'm minutes away from making the first cut for the carcass...family has taken the hint and 2 have gone to the mall and one has gone snowboarding, so the goal is to have some kind of pictures before the UVM-MS game at 2:30 this afternoon. :D

I have read everything I can on building the carcass and since my top is 24x32, I am a little limited to the width of the thing, so i am leaving the option open using inset doors on the bottom and will decide on upper drawers later. I am going to combine the styles of the "ultimate table from plansnow.com and the table I previewed in the other thread. I have decided on a 37" height. will be able to adjust that an inch or more higher or lower at the end when I build in the toekick base.

Thanks for everyones comments!!

Tim Morton
03-20-2005, 5:31 PM
Didn't get as far as I wanted due to some family stuff. But here is the first pictures that should satisfy the pic police.

Bob Noles
03-20-2005, 6:06 PM

You have made a believer out of me :)

I am very interested in your progress on the carcass. I have the exact same table coming in this week (less the lifter) and hope to start my cabinet next weekend. I am still undecided on my total design just yet and would love to harvest some ideas from your progress.

I have subscribed to this thread and hope that you will add more pictures and as much detail as possible. I especially like your close ups and jointery shots.

Thanks for sharing this with all of us.

Tim Morton
03-20-2005, 6:27 PM
I am very interested in your progress on the carcass. I have the exact same table coming in this week (less the lifter) and hope to start my cabinet next weekend. I am still undecided on my total design just yet and would love to harvest some ideas from your progress.

The rockler table top is nice, but the fence is nothing to write home about. The carcass used up about 3/4 of a sheet of plywood and measure's 20x30.5x33h and I will add a few inches under it in the form of a toeplate to make the total height 37-38. Ut looks like the carcass is a tad too wide in the pictures visually, but that is because I needed to keep the slots in the table top clear from undermneath. I will build the face frame next. I have never built drawers before, I don't think i am going to use any hardware, just build in some ledgers and slide the drawers on them. I think that will be cheaper and easier. Oh...and GET the plungelift it is sweet :D

Bob Noles
03-20-2005, 7:07 PM

I was hoping for better news on the fence, but it has got to be better than the piece of junk I currently have. I have never built drawers either so it should be a real experience for me for sure. I may even make the lower part a cabinet with door instead of a large drawer (chicken way out). I like the height you selected as I feel 40" and above is a little high for me.... maybe I just have low elbows :p

I may at some point go back and add the plunge lift, but for now I just want to get a decent rounter table up and going. I did order the 2 fold down extention wings and plan to incorporate them into the design.

It is exciting to see yours come together and have something real to follow. Please add pictures as you progress. As they say.... a picture is worth 1000 words.
Have yourself a wonderful evening.

Tim Morton
03-20-2005, 8:16 PM
I was hoping for better news on the fence, but it has got to be better than the piece of junk I currently have. I have never built drawers either so it should be a real experience for me for sure. I may even make the lower part a cabinet with door instead of a large drawer (chicken way out). I like the height you selected as I feel 40" and above is a little high for me.... maybe I just have low elbows

The fence will work out fine, I just wonder why they didn't make it taller. Here are some more pictures. I am going to do a pair of doors on the bottom and add a plexi door for the router compartment. That and the face frame will be it for awhile, then I will add the drawers later.

Don Abele
03-20-2005, 9:24 PM
Tim, I have a partially completed router table which looks very similar to yours and a brand-new M12V and Plungelift all waiting for time when I can finish it (I started it in October). Things have been busy and I hope to "someday" complete it. So please keep your pictures coming as I am sure I can gleen something from it to help me complete my project eventually (and I'll be sure to post mine when I compete it).

Be well,


Tim Morton
03-20-2005, 9:38 PM
Tim, I have a partially completed router table which looks very similar to yours and a brand-new M12V and Plungelift all waiting for time when I can finish it (I started it in October). Things have been busy and I hope to "someday" complete it. So please keep your pictures coming as I am sure I can gleen something from it to help me complete my project eventually (and I'll be sure to post mine when I compete it).

I bought the router back a couple years ago and am just getting around to building a table, life DOES get busy dopesn't it? :D
Next up tomorrow is buying some hardwood for the face frame.I will also build the bottom kick plate. Later tonight i will order a on/off switch and dust chute from Rockler, so I should be routing by next weekend.

Don Abele
03-20-2005, 9:46 PM
Wow...glad to know I'm not the only one with projects that linger that long. Busy, yeah, you could say that...it started with the birth of our son in October, went into a 3 month deployment, and then on to too many temporary assigments all over the place to remember. Things are quiet now, but only for about a month and then there's a big move in our future to get ready for (has it been 2 years). But I love my job and wouldn't trade it for a 9 to 5'er for all the shop time in the world. :) Best of luck completing your table - please keep us posted, I can't wait to finish mine.

Be well,


03-20-2005, 11:56 PM
Rockler does make an MDF fence that is significantly taller and wider. Also, you can easily make your own with their T-Slot bit! I got mine from woodline, but I see rockler has one too.

03-21-2005, 10:38 AM
I bought the router back a couple years ago and am just getting around to building a table, life DOES get busy dopesn't it? :D
Next up tomorrow is buying some hardwood for the face frame.I will also build the bottom kick plate. Later tonight i will order a on/off switch and dust chute from Rockler, so I should be routing by next weekend.

Hopefully you'll get your table built quicker than I did. I got it to the point where it was usable (about like your pics, but with faceframe) in a couple weekends. It was 2.5 years before it had drawers, and it's still unfinished :cool: . On the positive side, my router didn't sit in a box for a couple years first ;) :D .


Tim Morton
03-22-2005, 10:18 PM
Moving along, did up the face frame tonight, or at least the part of it, I still need to think abotu drawers. I just set the 2 doors in the opening, thats the look I am going for. I want the doors and drawers to be completely inset. I need to get a better digital camera...this one is aweful. But maybe the lo-res hides all the mistakes :D But it also hides the cool grain I have in the plywood doors. I know oak is ugly, but its all they had at HD last night, and it doesn't look nearly as bad or red as the pictures show. I hope the birch plywood will offset it OK. matt did his table with BlO and i'm going to try that tomorrow night.

Bob Noles
03-23-2005, 4:42 AM

I am so glad you did not smash that to pieces with a hammer as threatened in another post :eek: :eek: :eek: (still rolling on the floor over that one).

I would say your project is moving along well and looking really good. I got my table top and fence in from Rockler yesterday and hope to get started on my router station soon. I am so glad you are keeping this thread updated with the pictures as it will be a great guide and inspiration for me to look at while working on mine. I like the way you did the doors near the base rather than drawers as that is what I have had visioned for mine for quite some time and now with your pictures, I have a first hand look of what it will actually look like.

Keep up the good work and keep the pictures coming.

Jim Becker
03-23-2005, 8:54 AM
Geepers...and you were worried about this? Great work, Tim!!

Bob Noles
05-30-2005, 3:53 PM

Do you have any updated pictures to your router cabinet for us. I have just about reached the stage you last posted any and would be curious to see how you decided to finish it out. I really need to steal more ideas from you :D


Tim Morton
05-30-2005, 4:00 PM

Do you have any updated pictures to your router cabinet for us. I have just about reached the stage you last posted any and would be curious to see how you decided to finish it out. I really need to steal more ideas from you :D


Sorry, but other than putting some hardware on the doors it is pretty much as you see it. I use it all the time, but no time to build the drawers or add the DC, I got tied up with the bandsaw and building my MIL the potting bench, and am currently working on my side porch. Plus today when i told LOML I was taking a day off from the porch she asked me if i could sand down and make smaller, AND stain a dark chocolate brown colot the computer desk i am sitting at:eek:, so maybe in a year or two i will get back to building the drawers, i would love to see a picture of yours..got any?

Byron Trantham
05-30-2005, 4:43 PM
started with the birth of our son in October, went into a 3 month deployment, and then on to too many temporary assigments all over the place to remember.Doc
It's always something, isn't it? :D What do you do in your spare time? :rolleyes:

Jim O'Dell
05-30-2005, 5:02 PM
Tim, I bought one of these last summer with a PC 7518. So far, like most of my new tools, it's still in the box. I got mine on the scratch and dent for a little savings, but looking at it and playing with it in my lap, it is very well engineered, and looks like it will work great. Jim.

Tim Morton
05-30-2005, 5:06 PM
Tim, I bought one of these last summer with a PC 7518. So far, like most of my new tools, it's still in the box. I got mine on the scratch and dent for a little savings, but looking at it and playing with it in my lap, it is very well engineered, and looks like it will work great. Jim.
It does work well....and for the record, my DC from 3 years ago is still not powered up. I am thinking it would be easier to buy a smaller motor and run it on 110v....hmmmmmmm thinking as i type.:cool:

Bob Noles
05-30-2005, 5:12 PM

I certainly understand the priority of honey do items as I have the same problem. My carcass has been sitting for 2 weeks without progress for the same reasons. I wanted to get a tiny bit further along before making pictures, but as soon as I feel comfortable with the progress, I'll up some pics here for you. It looks just like yours though except for the table extension wings :~)