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View Full Version : DJ20 vs Oasis Jointer

03-19-2005, 9:37 AM
I saw on the other DJ20 thread that there is a "clone" that is built side by side with the DJ20. Does anyone have any experience with this jointer? I've been satisfied with my Delta 6" jointer, but if the Oasis is a close copy of the Delta, this might be cause to list that 6 incher on ebay or elsewhere and move up.

There's been "awareness" of this unit, but no one seems to have one.

Russ Massery
03-19-2005, 10:07 AM
Sure looks like a great clone My personal thoughts have been for a long time that alot of these machine are made in the same factory over seas. I've never heard of Oasis machinery before. Who's the retailer? and what is the unit selling for? But I think that sometimes there JUST a clone the engineering and tolerance's aren't the same. IMHO

Mark Singer
03-19-2005, 10:07 AM
I did a Google search and ToolMart appears to carry the Oasis...

Corvin Alstot
03-19-2005, 11:02 AM
But I think that sometimes there JUST a clone the engineering and tolerance's aren't the same. IMHOI agree.
Based on the cost difference, it suggests the quality control and tolerances might be different. I do not think I would roll the dice on this issue, but would rather save and purchase the proven product.IMHO

mike malone
03-19-2005, 11:27 AM
Toolmart sells their jointer for $699 out here in CA. (nearly 1/2 the DJ20 retial price); Gotta be identical to the DJ20, made on the same machines in the same factory. Never bought an import, but this would be VERY tempting if i needed an 8" jointer...beside you can always get parts from Delta. I am sure that the Powermaic 8" jointer has a clone out there somewhere too. Maybe in the future this will drive US mfgr's to actual make their stuff here...unless Delta actually owns Oasis as well. Just to add to the confusion
Invicta (once aligned with Delta) makes a DJ15 (and prob a DJ20).
I'll try to add a pic.:

Dan Forman
03-19-2005, 3:55 PM
I called Toolmart yesterday to ask about this, They have the Oasis jointer made for them by the same factory in China that produces the DJ20 for Delta. The fellow I talked to was rather vague, said they don't use all of the same parts as Delta, offered to have someone call me back to discuss in greater detail, but nobody did. I don't know what to make of this, I don't see how they could cut the price in half and still have a product of comparable quality, not that Delta would be above gouging us a bit for the use of their name.

Toolmart would be your source of customer service, should you need any. I know nothing about them, but that would be another factor in making a decision.

I am currently looking for a jointer in the DJ20 class, would like to believe that this is a good solution, but am a bit leery at this point.

Has anyone out there had a bad experience with the DJ20 Chinese version? I guess they were made in Brazil before that, but there were political difficulties causing them to move to China.


Tim Marks
03-19-2005, 5:23 PM
I don't see how they could cut the price in half and still have a product of comparable quality...
I strongly believe that with Tawainese/Chinese machinery, you usually get what you pay for. The more reputable name brands spend alot of money ensuring a quality product is produced, often with their own on-site QC teams performing inspections. Guess what happens to the machinery which is rejected by their QC process?

Alot of Tawainese/Chinese manufacturers are building stuff that looks identica, but the devil is in the details. Cheaper motors, crummy castings, loose tolerences, substandard bearings.

Look how many complaints you hear from people who buy machines imported by grizzly, delta, and even powermatic? Now imagine how happy you would be buying a machine which was a reject from their assembly line?

I would be leary about buying from a new importer until they have demonstrated a strong commitment to quality, based upon a satisfied customer base. I would definitely think twice about ordering such a machine sight unseen.... once you have 600 lbs of iron sitting on your garage floor, your options become quite limited. I know, somebody has to buy the first machine... how about you do it? :D If you like it, maybe I will consider it...

Ken Garlock
03-19-2005, 10:18 PM
Tim, what documentation do you have to back up your assertion that non brand name imports are rejects? :confused:

Personally, I would not buy a Delta product, but that is just me. I have a Sunhill 8" jointer, built by Geetech in Taiwan, that ran great right out of the box. The tables are flat per my Starrett 36" straight edge. The blades were in perfect alignment. The table has the famous X pattern underside that everyone seems to want in the DJ-20. Send a board through the the Geetech jointer, and it comes out smooth as a baby's bottom. The best thing is that I only paid 750 plus shipping. I'll take the extra 700-800 dollars any day.

Much WW equipment is not that complex, and repair is straight forward. The only weak point in the jointer is the 2 hp motor, but even if I need to spend $300 for new Lesson 2 hp, I am still $300 dollars ahead. Heck, I might be able to afford an entry level Festool. :eek:

Frank Pellow
03-20-2005, 8:17 AM
Has anyone out there had a bad experience with the DJ20 Chinese version?
The DJ20 that I recently purchased was made in China. I have not yet used it much, but it seems to be of good quality. Everything aligns fine, the tables are flat, and the few cuts that I have done are excellent.

Tim Marks
03-20-2005, 9:20 AM
Tim, what documentation do you have to back up your assertion that non brand name imports are rejects?... I have a Sunhill 8" jointer, built by Geetech in Taiwan, that ran great right out of the box.
Sunhill, Wilke, Grizzly all have decent reputations, and GeeTech is reputedly one of the best manufacturers. I would not call any of those companies "non brand name importers". What I mean by that is fly-by-net ebay "importers", and one or two big companies which import crummy machinery.

Documentation? Other then discussions with a couple of importers on the challenges of dealing with tawainese/chinese manufacturers of metalworking machinery? None. I still stand by my assertion: Don't assume that you are getting a good deal cause the price is right. You usually will get exactly what you paid for (or even a little bit less).

David Dixson
03-20-2005, 11:59 AM

You might want to PM Saw Mill Creek member Jim Schmoll:


He owns one of the Oasis jointers and can probably address all your questions.


The argument you're offering is the same one that was offered quite a few years ago related to Grizzly when Grizzly was first getting started.

There is a counter argument: Why pay Delta or Powermatic premium "made in USA" prices for machinery made in China or Taiwan? I've seen too many examples in the last decade or so where a "little guy" importer brought in a similar product that was competitive (sometimes better) than the "name brand." I personally would rather save the money to buy other tools or wood.

As far as cheap, crappy tools go, I bought a Harbor Freight bandsaw and their 6" jointer when I was trying out woodworking as a hobby. Everyone said at the time these tools were total crap and not worth buying. I knew the quality control was spotty, but I also knew I could take it back and swap it out if there was a problem. It turned out my HF bandsaw was a gem, I've added a few things to it and for less than $400.00 total, I've got a bandsaw I wouldn't replace with any other high priced 14" bandsaw. I may one day upgrade to an 18", but not because my HF was a cheap piece of junk, rather, it was an inexpensive basic power tool that is giving me great service. My little HF 6" jointer has some of the best cast iron maching on the bed and fence I've seen, glassy smooth and I have gone and looked at every power tool the local retail outfits here in Atlanta have to offer. It's a small, basic jointer with a 1950's design that doesn't have good dust control, but it's been a lovely jointer for me the past three years. I am going to upgrade it, but not because it's "cheap." I'm upgrading it because I want an 8" jointer because I buy a lot of 7 to 8" boards here locally and I also want better dust control.

With all that said, many of the current importers of these tools have been in business a good while (Toolmart, the importer and distributor of the Oasis brand line, has been in business since 1986, nearly 30 years.) distributing power tools for many manufacturers and know enough about power tools to spec out the power tools they wish to import and they understand the customer demands of the woodworker they wish to sell to. The factories making these tools have learned over the past 20 years they need to keep the quality up if they wish to continue to export tools here. All of the tools, including the most basic HF stuff have significantly improved in recent years.

The above factors reduce the risk one has to take significantly when purchasing "off brand tools." I've also read recently where on another forum a gentleman had significant quality control problems with his Delta X5 branded 14" imported bandsaw. So evidentally the claim that Delta and other such "big name" companies have superior quality control in offshore factories simply isn't supported by the machines posters on the forums receive. My guess is the quality from distributor (which Delta, Jet and Powermatic are becoming on a major scale.) to distributor is probalby becoming or is, in fact, insigificant.

The argument that these larger outfits provide better support is also weakining, as they are bought out by other large conglomerates and the policies that gave them their reputation are changed (See Black & Decker purchasing Delta/Porter Cable and recent issues with routers and technical support on various forums.)

What I'm reading on the forums is smaller outfits, such as Grizzly, Wilke Machinery, Sunhill, Woodworker's Supply and Toolmart are stocking parts and providing service that is generally more knowledgeable and customer friendly than the larger outfits. Does this mean they can't be bought out or go out of business? No. but then again, the same can be said of the larger outfits.

Just my take on things,


P.S. I recently bought a Woodtek 10" cabinet saw with a tenoning jig delivered to my home for $1008.00. After assembling, inspecting it and using it for the last few weeks, it's turned out to be somewhere in quality and function between a Grizzly and a Jet. I think I got way more than my money's worth. I also bought a Yorkcraft 15" planer for $949.00 delivered to my door. It's also proven to be more than my money's worth also. Let's see, had I bought a basic non X5 Unisaw, low end Delta tenoning jig and 15" planer with a chip hood, less desireable (to me) overhead motor and non built in mobile base, I would have had to pay about $950.00 more money. Wow, that's enough money to pay for an Oasis 8" jointer delivered to my door. So I would then have 3 tools instead of 2 for the same money. I frankly cannot see another major power tools worth of money difference in quality or performance between big name brands and these distributor imported tools, except one less middle man and about $450.00 to $600.00 tool price difference.

Ken Garlock
03-20-2005, 12:48 PM
Sunhill, Wilke, Grizzly all have decent reputations, and GeeTech is reputedly one of the best manufacturers. I would not call any of those companies "non brand name importers". What I mean by that is fly-by-net ebay "importers", and one or two big companies which import crummy machinery.

Documentation? Other then discussions with a couple of importers on the challenges of dealing with tawainese/chinese manufacturers of metalworking machinery? None. I still stand by my assertion: Don't assume that you are getting a good deal cause the price is right. You usually will get exactly what you paid for (or even a little bit less).

Tim, I generally agree with you regarding imports. That is why I spent a lot of time looking into the various import brands. Yes, there are a limited number of reputable and reliable importers. Like so many things good or bad, their reputation gets around.

I read your statement as all inclusive, my mistake, and I felt I had to defend my purchase. :D As far as I am concerned, it is a closed subject. Let us move on :)