View Full Version : Congratulations David DeCristoforo!

Brian Effinger
02-08-2012, 12:32 PM
I just sat down to have some lunch and check email, when I saw message about the next issue of Woodturning Design. The cover photo in the email has three turnings on it that I thought look really familiar. What do you think?


Way to go, Double D! :D

Ken Fitzgerald
02-08-2012, 12:34 PM
Wasnt' he and John Keeton just going to turn table legs? :confused::rolleyes:;):D

Congrats Double D!

Steve Mawson
02-08-2012, 12:41 PM
Now he is getting famous. Will he still associate with us underlings???? :confused: Way to go, well deserved!!

Bill Wyko
02-08-2012, 12:47 PM
well deserved, congratulations my riend.

Roger Chandler
02-08-2012, 1:07 PM
Cool..........congrats, David!

Ken Glass
02-08-2012, 1:08 PM
What an impressive cover. Way to go David.

Tim Rinehart
02-08-2012, 1:14 PM
Very nice David...very nice!!. I look forward to checking mail for my copy!

charlie knighton
02-08-2012, 1:22 PM
congratulations, well deserved

Harvey Ghesser
02-08-2012, 1:23 PM
Now you are a real arteeest!

Steve Busey
02-08-2012, 1:29 PM
I aspire just to make his mistakes! ;^} Congrats, David!

John Keeton
02-08-2012, 2:23 PM
I knew this was happening and it was hard to keep the secret!!! So well deserved, David - a HUGE congrats!!!

Marty Eargle
02-08-2012, 2:42 PM
That is a fine looking cover if I've ever seen one. Congrats David!

Pete Jordan
02-08-2012, 3:16 PM
Way to go, Buddy!

Josh Bowman
02-08-2012, 3:56 PM
Dahhhh! I didn't even think about it. Wow!

Dan Forman
02-08-2012, 3:57 PM
Congrat's David! I don't think those things will hold up a very big table, but they sure look cool.


Robert McGowen
02-08-2012, 4:04 PM
Quite impressive!

Sid Matheny
02-08-2012, 5:57 PM
Even a blind hog picks up an acorn every now and then! Just kidding, well deserved DD.


Brian McInturff
02-08-2012, 6:33 PM
Ugh... Those look like the scraps I toss out. Now everyone will be copying them.

Now that I got those "puns" out of the way.............CONGRATULATIONS!!! You really do, do, great work. Maybe one of these days when you are doing a class on the east coast I can learn to turn one of those then delicate pedestals!!

Bernie Weishapl
02-08-2012, 6:56 PM
Congrats David.

David DeCristoforo
02-08-2012, 7:27 PM
Thanx to all for the comments.

"Now he is getting famous…"

I think I am far more "famous" for sticking my foot in my mouth….

I was aware that my stuff was going to be in a "Designer's Showcase" feature. But I was not aware that they were also going to be on the cover. The other day, Joe sent me a preview and I damn near fell off my chair! Then he asked me not to spread it around because he had not made it public yet.

And Ken, I would never attempt to turn table legs. That would mean having to make four identical items and that is way beyond my comprehension!

James Roberts
02-08-2012, 7:34 PM
Congratulations David, saw this in my e-mail as well this evening. Very nice cover and very well deserved.

02-08-2012, 7:40 PM
Congrats! I got the email today and immediately thought that it was one of the more attractive covers the magazine has had. Great job!

Alan Trout
02-08-2012, 7:55 PM

Congratulations, Well deserved.

David E Keller
02-08-2012, 8:49 PM
Congrats on the article and the cover! Good stuff!

Faust M. Ruggiero
02-08-2012, 9:05 PM
Congratulations on the cover, David.

Cheryl A. Prince
02-08-2012, 9:09 PM
Wonderful cover David! Quite the accomplishment.

Kathy Marshall
02-08-2012, 11:44 PM
Congrats David! How cool is that!

Michelle Rich
02-09-2012, 12:12 PM
they look super on the cover, David. I have not received my copy yet, but hope it arrives soon.

Mark Hubl
02-09-2012, 1:16 PM
Nice, they make a good looking cover. Congrats David.

David DeCristoforo
02-09-2012, 6:46 PM
Thanx again for all the comments. My head is still spinning! I may have to subscribe...

Baxter Smith
02-10-2012, 9:53 AM
Congrats DD! It looks great!

Roland Martin
02-11-2012, 7:30 AM
A BIG Congratulations, David! A fantastic cover indeed, can't wait for the mail to arrive.

Jack Mincey
02-11-2012, 7:46 AM
Well deserved and very nice feather in your hat David. The cover looks great as well. You should up your price a touch now that you are famous.:)

Bill Bolen
02-11-2012, 11:17 AM
Just wanted to add my congrat's to this long list. Quite the honor and well deserved.

David DeCristoforo
02-11-2012, 1:31 PM
"...very nice feather in your hat..."

I have no hat. Maybe I could just stick the feather... Oh... never mind...

But thanx again to all for the kind words....

Mike Cruz
02-11-2012, 3:00 PM
Congrats, David. Just goes to show that your creativeness and hard work paid off...

Brian Kent
02-11-2012, 4:07 PM
I know it is off-topic, but what kind of lathe is that in your avatar? And is that a home-made stand?

David DeCristoforo
02-12-2012, 2:55 PM
"...what kind of lathe is that in your avatar?"

It's a late 50's or early 60's Rockwell/Delta 46-450. After being taken to task by John Keeton over it's condition:

I spent some time giving it a facelift...


Brian Kent
02-28-2012, 10:09 AM
David - thanks for the reply. I asked the question and then missed the answer. I love the paint job. Even though it turns out to be a metal cabinet, it is inspiring some ideas for a wood cabinet in the future.