View Full Version : What was your latest piece in a competition?

Bill Wyko
02-07-2012, 4:05 PM
I know quite a few of you enter your work in contests. I was curious to see what you entered and how well you placed. I know there are individual posts but it will be nice to see them under one thread. Mine was the 2 I entered in the Beauty & the Beast contest and I entered Monsoon in one right before I sold it. How about you all?

Dale Miner
02-07-2012, 7:40 PM
Well, since you asked, and also JK might get a kick out of the wood. Claro Walnut, approx 17". Took a second place to Lowell Converse in the Master division of the OVWG winter competition with a theme for the contest of 'Platter'.

To view the gallery for the event, go to OVWG.org.

Moderators: If ok, I could post a link to the gallery.

Dennis Ford
02-07-2012, 7:46 PM
I entered this in a juried art show; did not win anything but it sold and I got a commision to make a similiar piece.

John Keeton
02-07-2012, 7:52 PM
Well, since you asked, and also JK might get a kick out of the wood. Claro Walnut, approx 17". Took a second place to Lowell Converse in the Master division of the OVWG winter competition with a theme for the contest of 'Platter'.

To view the gallery for the event, go to OVWG.org.

Moderators: If ok, I could post a link to the gallery.Dale, you are the platter master, for sure!! Not only do you put on a great demo, but you can actually turn fantastic platters!!;) And, having drop dead gorgeous Claro walnut doesn't hurt!

I don't see a problem with the link, as it is not to another forum and you have no financial interest.


Steve bellinger
02-07-2012, 7:56 PM
Bill the only time i've ever entered anything was the B&B contest. As you know i did place a respectible( for me any way) 8th place.223040

Bill Wyko
02-07-2012, 8:12 PM
Dale, can I take classes from you? That is truly extraordinary. Well done sir.
Dennis, that is incredibly unique. Congratulations on the sale and the order. Please post the 2nd one too.

Steve, you and I were talking in line. I came in 7th in the same catagory with this one. Did you get a copy of the book Yet? It's out but it's a bit pricy. worth it though, a very well made book witha lot of pictures and descriptions.

Steve bellinger
02-07-2012, 8:22 PM
Dale, can I take classes from you? That is truly extraordinary. Well done sir.
Dennis, that is incredibly unique. Congratulations on the sale and the order. Please post the 2nd one too.

Steve, you and I were talking in line. I came in 7th in the same catagory with this one. Did you get a copy of the book Yet? It's out but it's a bit pricy. worth it though, a very well made book witha lot of pictures and descriptions.

No havn't gotten one yet. Would like to,but as i've been unemployed now since before thanksgiving. I'll just have to what till things ain't so tight.

Dale Miner
02-07-2012, 8:46 PM
Dale, can I take classes from you? That is truly extraordinary. Well done sir.

Bill, Classes? You flatter me. Thanks. I just cut away everthing that isn't platter. It helps to start with good wood.

I love your open twisted finial. One of these days.... round tuit..... etc.......

Dick Wilson
02-07-2012, 9:09 PM
Last year I received the Vandenberg Jeweler Award in Wood at the Grand Rapids Regional Art Competition. I received a nice $$$$ award PLUS I sold it. Piece is called Altered Walnut

charlie knighton
02-07-2012, 9:13 PM
i have 3 pieces submitted to Academy of Fine Arts, Lynchburg, Va. its juried, notification sent to artists March 2, 2012.

i have 3 pieces submitted to Hayloft Gallery, gallery request that all work submitted be made within the past year and never exhibited before. so i have not shown these pieces or exhibited them, 2 Kokopelli and i bowl. should hear this week one way or the other.

i plan to put 2 pieces in Piedmont Arts Expression Show this spring. i have not decided which pieces yet, must be a member of Lynwood Artists.

Dale Miner
02-07-2012, 10:06 PM
Last year I received the Vandenberg Jeweler Award in Wood at the Grand Rapids Regional Art Competition. I received a nice $$$$ award PLUS I sold it. Piece is called Altered Walnut
I remeber this piece. Sweet. The sale is a double edged sword. Nice to have the sale, but a shame the piece is gone.

James Combs
02-07-2012, 10:14 PM
Haven't had any turnings entered but I "turned"(read cooked) a pot of chilli for a chilli cook off at my church and won "Best Overall" out of ten entries. Does that count?:D

Michelle Rich
02-08-2012, 3:32 AM
Dick W. this is awesome!! grand turning & stand!

Michelle Rich
02-08-2012, 3:34 AM
Dale: this is a gorgeous piece of walnut & a beautifuuly finished platter.

Michelle Rich
02-08-2012, 3:36 AM
Dennis: this reminds me of a jellyfish, with the legs hanging & swirling around in the ocean! To heck with placing, selling & $$$ are their own rewards!! :-) ( ok it woulda been nice to win,place or show!!)

Michelle Rich
02-08-2012, 3:45 AM
These original pieces have won in any show they have been entered in. My negative space designs also got me asked to demonstrate at an AAW national shindig. ( GRIN!!!)
And this total cherry sackback won first in a furniture competition. I had no competition in the chair class!! Chairs are just too hard to make. !!!!

Michelle Rich
02-08-2012, 4:27 AM
Bill: that finial is the cat's pajamas! totally awesome piece

Bill Wyko
02-08-2012, 2:04 PM
I am so glad I created this thread. You all are so incredibly talented. Thanks so much to all of you for sharing. Michelle, those made my jaw hit the floor. Absolutely stunning. All of you are just amazing and truly inspirational. By all means, please keep em coming. Thank you.

Bill Wyko
02-08-2012, 2:07 PM
This is an old one, it was the 15th piece of wood I ever put on a lathe. The last contest it was in, it won 1st place. Soon after I sold it and bought a bunch of tools.:D I was sad to see it go but I was happy when UPS showed up with the new loot.

charlie knighton
02-08-2012, 2:54 PM
i got the word i was juried in at Hayloft Gallery today, take work in late feburary for all three pieces.

Bill Wyko
02-08-2012, 5:41 PM
Congratulations Charlie, be sure to take lots of pics.

Chris Hedges
02-23-2012, 8:58 PM
Ive only ever entered one piece and its been downhill from there! 2007 AWFS Fresh Wood comp - First place, Best of Show, and Peoples Choice! Had a darn fun time building this thing. It was the 4th piece of furniture I ever made. Couldnt have done it without the help of the staff at The University of Rio Grandes (ohio) Furniture Making Program Chris LOL - I just realized this was the turners forum! I turned the finials and rosettes if that counts for anything! Sorry guys, was searching for 'claro walnut' and the title of this thread caught my attention!

Curt Fuller
02-23-2012, 9:22 PM
This was my 15 minutes of fame........:)


Wally Dickerman
02-24-2012, 12:04 AM
Well, I haven't entered any pieces in competitions lately but I did get the cover of the Summer 2009 Crafts supplies catalog with one of my giraffe series pieces. Darral Nish is president of CS and is a collector. He has this piece of mine in his collection.224917

Bill Wyko
02-24-2012, 12:08 PM
HOLY SMOKES Wally!!! That is legendary!!! I need to come see you and learn from the master.

Thomas Bennett
02-24-2012, 8:26 PM
Chris is truly a master craftsman! I had the pleasure of meeting him when he lived in Southern Ohio.
Great to see your work here on the turner's forum.

Bill Wyko
02-29-2012, 12:31 PM
Chris that is absolutley beautiful. Can't imagine how long that must have taken. It takes me a few months just to build a desk top humidor.