View Full Version : I found these on facebook.

Ed Morgano
02-06-2012, 8:28 AM
If you're wondering what to try next, here are some ideas from Hans Weissflog. He really has a flair for turning. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=131426236972214&set=a.131425986972239.26436.100003145163759&type=1&theater#!/media/set/?set=a.115380528576785.20313.100003145163759&type=3

Ken Glass
02-06-2012, 8:39 AM
it says currently unavailable when I try to pull it up... Never mind, I had to log in first, dah..... WOW, maybe I shouln't have logged in. They seem to be way out of my range of skill level. Thanks for the link, they are amazing.

Steve Vaughan
02-06-2012, 8:46 AM
WOW! That's mind boggling! I'm betting inside a month, we'll see someone's rendition of one of these bowls!

Jim Burr
02-06-2012, 8:52 AM
Not from me! I'm lucky to get a pen round much less adding holes to it! That guy has some serious skill!!

Steve Busey
02-06-2012, 10:01 AM
Am trying to figure out how he might have mounted these for the last cut(s), but cannot get my brain wrapped around this one.

Bill Bolen
02-06-2012, 11:33 AM
He must have seen some of Michells work posted and added his own twist!

Ed Morgano
02-06-2012, 12:22 PM
He must have seen some of Michells work posted and added his own twist!
That thought crossed my mind. I'm going to chaulk it up to: "Great minds think alike."

Neil Bosdet
02-06-2012, 12:58 PM
Would he be using a vacuum system?

Michelle Rich
02-07-2012, 7:23 AM
I wanted to see these, as I have been a fan of mr. W's for many years. But I can't get the pictures. i do not want to start & log in at facebook EEK! He never told anyone how he made his pieces & it took me a while to figure out what he did. But I finally figured it out & then went way past his work. If it's not too hard, can you relay the pieces over here, easily?? (I'm a computer moron, so I don't know if that can bedone or not)

Mike Cruz
02-07-2012, 8:13 AM
Here you go!

http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/385925_116070421841129_100003145163759_94700_14153 82803_n.jpghttp://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/387701_116080031840168_100003145163759_94899_10741 2312_n.jpghttp://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/391774_116078908506947_100003145163759_94897_21038 03601_n.jpghttp://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/314360_116096211838550_100003145163759_94994_74980 6220_n.jpghttp://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/382035_115394018575436_100003145163759_91489_17153 45582_n.jpghttp://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/381373_115396715241833_100003145163759_91505_23562 1725_n.jpg

charlie knighton
02-07-2012, 8:40 AM
very nice, thanks for sharing

Michelle Rich
02-07-2012, 8:43 AM
thanks so much Mike. appreciate you taking the time & effort. What has always amazed me is the size of his pieces. Very small! The opening are many times 1/16 or less. his precision is atounding. I have made & posted pieces like this. My Escargots go acourtin' ( my thumbnail here on Sawmill) takes this idea, but instead of circles, I have made counter-rotating volutes. I DID IT MY WAY was a erratic , non-patterned piece. I took his ideas of circles and made Broken Circles within Circles and Turning for Gearheads. His basic idea, but taken many steps past. If you look at the first pic here, the spider in the bottom of the bowl, you will see where I got my posting named Spider!...He & Harvey have been my biggest inpirations for my negative space designs.
Thanks again Mike for the pictures

Michelle Rich
02-07-2012, 8:46 AM
no neil, one could not..too many holes!

John Shuk
02-07-2012, 9:23 AM
Han's has a video that I rented from my library a few years ago that show how he makes these. Very cool.

Mike Cruz
02-07-2012, 10:29 AM
Sure, Michelle...It was actually just copy and pasting, but I could make it sound a WHOLE lot harder if I score more points that way...:D

Michelle Rich
02-07-2012, 10:34 AM
you indeed get BIG points for your help!! I'm keeping a ledger! If anyone is interested, I figured out a jig so one could hold a bowl & do this...many years ago. You will need very little to make it, but you will need, patience, sense of proportion, wickedly precise hands, to turn these. I posted a tutorial 6 mos or so ago, about how to turn these designs on flat stock like platters.

Neil Bosdet
02-07-2012, 10:40 AM
If anyone is interested, I figured out a jig so one could hold a bowl & do this...many years ago. You will need very little to make it, but you will need, patience, sense of proportion, wickedly precise hands, to turn these. I posted a tutorial 6 mos or so ago, about how to turn these designs on flat stock like platters.

Yes, I'm interested. Link please, and thank you. Where did you find the DVD on Han's method?


Michelle Rich
02-07-2012, 10:51 AM
Hi Neil I have no link as I made the jig myself..I don't know about a DVD it must be very recent. When I saw Han's work many years ago, he was mum on his designs & execution. I don't know how to link my tutorial I did, to this new post. Can anyone tell me how? i will repost if ya'll want it. I will attempt to get a picture of the jig in this post.. use it in a 4 jaw chuck..hope this helps

Eric Holmquist
02-07-2012, 6:31 PM
I saw a demo by Hans at the Hartford Symposium and realized that he was very creative and precise in his use of specialized work holding devices.

James Combs
02-08-2012, 9:44 AM
Hi Neil I have no link as I made the jig myself..I don't know about a DVD it must be very recent. When I saw Han's work many years ago, he was mum on his designs & execution. I don't know how to link my tutorial I did, to this new post. Can anyone tell me how? i will repost if ya'll want it. I will attempt to get a picture of the jig in this post.. use it in a 4 jaw chuck..hope this helps Hi Michelle though I would do a little tutorial for you on making "links" to other threads. To include a link in your postings find the web page you want to link to such as your tutorial page then right click the mouse on the address bar(the line that has "http://www.sawmillcreek....." in it at the top of your browser. The entire address line should turn blue(highlighted - if not high light the whole line) After it is highlighted the right click will get you a drop down menu that has "Cut", "Copy", "Paste" etc in it. Click the "Copy" choice.
Now go back to/or create the post you want to put the link into. You might have a sentence in your new post that says something like "You can find my tutorial here", then after the word "here" right click again and choose "Paste". This "http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?164346-a-tutorial-on-a-5-centered-negative-space-design&highlight=tutorial" will appear(without the quotes) just after your cursor location. Presto you now have a link in your posting. In some posts you have probably seen links that just say something like "You can find my tutorial here (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?164346-a-tutorial-on-a-5-centered-negative-space-design&highlight=tutorial)" and the "here" will be a different color and if you click on it, it takes you to a "linked" page. To make a link like that follow the directions above until you get to the "Paste" function, instead of pasting the entire link right after the word, high-light the word such as "here (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?164346-a-tutorial-on-a-5-centered-negative-space-design&highlight=tutorial)" or "tutorial (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?164346-a-tutorial-on-a-5-centered-negative-space-design&highlight=tutorial)" then click on the little icon(my red arrow)
and you will get this dialog window.

Right click in the white area that says "URL" then click "Paste"(don't worry if you can't see the whole address). Now click the "OK" button at the bottom of the dialogue box. Now you have a link in your posting that creates less cluttered than the first one but it is still the same link. Hope this is helpful. PM me if you have any questions.

Michelle Rich
02-08-2012, 10:02 AM
James, thanks so much for this computer tutorial. i will print the page & study it. i know so little about computers that this will educate me to the stage I'm dangerous:-) :-0 Appreciate your effort.

Rick Markham
02-08-2012, 11:53 AM
Michelle, I would very much like to see the tutorial you did... I must have been studying and missed it! Very Ingenious on your jig! You're negative space work has always astounded me.