View Full Version : Danish Oil - how many applicatons?

Eric Gourieux
02-06-2012, 12:28 AM
I will often apply 2 coats of Antique Oil 24 hours apart and then lightly sand or use a brown scrubby pad to take off the excess. Following this, I usually triple buff with tripoli, white diamond and Ren Wax. On this NE form, there seems to be a build up of AO. Do you sand or rub down the AO before buffing?

Wood is pecan and measures 9" x 5".


C and C welcome

Michelle Rich
02-06-2012, 6:12 AM
I've never used AO, but lots of Danish. Put danish on & 20 mins later, wipe off the excess. Same on coat2..Let it thoroughly dry. Then buff.

Steve Vaughan
02-06-2012, 8:09 AM
Nice bowl! I love the shape of the edge. I've never used the AO either, but love the Danish stuff. I do as Michelle does, and keep drenching that first coat. I let that first coat dry completely. Then I'll go back with a second coat, but this time wet-sanding the piece with 400 or 600 grit black paper. That give it a really, really smooth finish. I rarely use DO as the final finish, so once that second coat is completely dry, I'll give it a few coats of Deft Lacquer. Buff that with #0000 steel wool and wax and polish. Super Duper slick it is!

Eric Gourieux
02-06-2012, 8:57 AM
Thanks for your input. Haven't used Danish, but I'll have to give it a try.

Harvey Ghesser
02-06-2012, 9:53 AM
I can't comment on the your AO method, Eric but your bowl is really nice! Thanks for sharing..

Bernie Weishapl
02-06-2012, 10:13 AM
Eric never had a problem with AO building up. I flood the first coat and after 10 minutes wipe of the excess. I put another coat on in 24 hrs and wipe off after 10 minutes. I do the same for the 3rd and last coat.