View Full Version : hearts with basic shape tool in X5

greg lindsey
02-05-2012, 9:13 PM
Someone please tell me how to use the basic shapes tool in X5 to make hearts .


Glen Monaghan
02-05-2012, 9:26 PM
Well, first you click on the basic shapes tool. Then look for its shape customizing button on the bar across the top of the screen (on mine, it shows up in the same place where you select the number of sides for the polygon tool); it looks like a rhombus - sort of like this:
. _
/_/ (ignore the "." at top left, I had to use that to get the underscore positioned right...)

If you hover over it, it will say Perfect Shapes. Click to open the selections and choose the heart shape. Point where you want the heart, and click/drag it out. Control+click will keep width and height synchronized, Shift+click will draw from center rather than corner.


greg lindsey
02-05-2012, 10:18 PM
Thanks Glen.

Bill Cunningham
02-09-2012, 10:55 PM
Or, have a look at your fonts. There will be a font (several come with Corel) that has all the basic shapes. Just select a heart from one and make it any size you want